Stuck frittata

obsidianwings, Apr 3, 1:52am
Hopefully somebody can help me so dinner isn't a complete loss. I followed this recipe
Lining the tin with baking paper as instructed and now the frittata is stuck fast to it. Trying to carefully peel it off is just removing the bottom of the frittata, please tell me someone has a tip for this!

245sam, Apr 3, 1:58am
obsidianwings, am I correct in assuming that the frittata is just cooked and still warm!If so, I suggest that you let it sit and cool for a while - it should firm up and therefore be easier to handle plus I would expect that with standing the frittata should 'steam' itself off the baking paper.

Hope that helps.:-))

obsidianwings, Apr 3, 2:03am
I did try that for a while, but I will let it for a while longer until nice and cool, I hope it works.

bridget107, Apr 3, 2:47am
Sometimes I find when using baking paper, I still need to spray it too. A pain but it works.

davidt4, Apr 3, 2:49am
Did you use baking paper or greaseproof paper!Baking paper is completely non-stick, very strong and would peel off easily.If you used greaseproof you might have to cut it off with a knife as it will soften and fall apart if you try to pull it away.

obsidianwings, Apr 3, 2:53am
I didn't know there was a difference to be honest, but it was baking paper that I used, unfortunately there was no way to salvage it in the end, I left it to go cold then used a knife to help try peel it but it prety much just fell apart. I have another dinner on now lol. I really am not cut out for this housewife stuff.

obsidianwings, Apr 3, 2:54am
On the upside I made some rum balls earlier so hopefully that will sweeten the deal of not having the nice dinner expected haha.

obsidianwings, Apr 3, 3:05am
Thanks bridget, will keep that in mind for next time.

mindi1, May 23, 5:41am
I'm planning on making my first in non-stick frypan.
Can I just lightly spray with oil and put on gas top, then put under the grill to brown the top. (Haven't got a metal handle frypan but figure I could just tightly wrap the rubber on the handle in tinfoil and handle carefully. Will that work!

olwen, May 23, 5:52am
Heat is the enemy for your frypan's handle.If you are putting it under the grill can you leave the door open and have the handle sticking out!

mindi1, May 23, 6:13am
Okay, ta, will do that.

rainrain1, May 23, 6:44am
next time leave the water out, and maybe cook a little bit longer,

esther-anne, May 23, 7:20am
I always do my frittata in the oven and never bother with baking paper-I do grease the baking dish very thoroughly and have not had a problem ever.

lyl_guy, May 23, 7:30am
I've got a frittata browning in the oven. in a non stick baccarat pan that goes on stove and in oven.I've read that you can wrap a handle in foil, and it's fine, but never tried it.I use butter for mine, and I use 7 or 8 eggs, so it has to cook on low on stovetop for a while first. over 20mins. then brown in oven under the grill!Very yummy.We have our own hens, so it's a lovely way to use the eggs up.

mindi1, May 23, 7:57am
Well, have now made two ~ my first two.Decided to use my smaller pan rather than the huge one. Wrapped the handle and all was well. The first had a little milk in with the eggs; the latter had to have more milk so, while paler, is great. Mushrooms and CHICKEN bacon ~ which I lurrrrrve (never use pork bacon now) made it yummy. As well as lots of seasoning.

arabelle, May 23, 8:45am
frittata does not stick to silicone, so swap to a silicone dish/pan etc. makes cooking a breeze

eastie3, May 23, 9:05am
I have a favourite pan that I make frittata in and have always just wrapped the handle in tin foil,never any problems.