Juicing Combernations - Your Favorite

boots9, Apr 27, 5:13am
What is your favorite juicing combernation of fruit/veges!

francisfrancis, Apr 27, 5:25am
carrot, apple, ginger
orange mango carrot
lime mint orange

terachaos, Apr 27, 5:31am
Watermelon on it's own = very nice.

tommydog, Apr 27, 7:10am
At the moment I am doing Apple , pear, cumcumber, celery , beetroot, lemon , carrot really nice .I love juicing makes you feel like you are really doing something good for your body.

goldgurl, Apr 27, 7:12am
yummy Tommy!I'm so tempted to get the old juicer out :)

books4nz, Apr 27, 7:17am
Carrot, parsley, celery - great for liver cleansing!

ps. from the Liver Cleansing Diet book

kellybme, Apr 27, 7:24pm
Granny Smith Apple, Pear and Celery - Yum Yum
Apple, orange, carrot, beetroot

Just purchased mine, and loving it.Watching aswell as looking for some different combinations.


bratbarbie, Apr 28, 12:40am
Does anyone know of any that you could put a bit of alcohol with to make it into a nights drink!

goldgurl, Apr 28, 3:31am
you could add alcohol to ANY of your fav combinations!OMG - watchout though.splash of vodka.way to easy and too yummy to drink lol.

bratbarbie, Apr 28, 7:29am
LOL thanks goldgurl. Might have to try it me thinks.

boots9, Apr 29, 7:24pm
Okay so Apple, carrot and celery is really nice! Has a tropical taste to it!

bratbarbie, Apr 30, 5:39am
Can you juice fejoias! Or do they just turn to mush! My other half love fejoia juice.