Vmax - Sauerkraut

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buzzy110, Apr 20, 6:11am
I wonder if you would be interested in my new favourite recipe. I quite like salads and make a salad from low carb vegetables that can be sliced with a mandolin. I make the following dressing that takes the salad into another world:

Take a couple of hands full of fresh herbs (basil, thyme, mint, dill, tarragon, sage, parsley, etc). Wash and remove stems where necessary (not parsley the stems have the best flavour) and put into a little whizz gadget. Throw in some pine nuts and pumpkin seeds, ¼ preserved lemon (flesh and skin) and some of the preserved juice. Add XV olive oil and whizz up. Goes fantastic on everything raw.

vmax2, Apr 21, 6:26am
Sounds good buzzy.Will try some tomorrow.I've been on holiday for a few days and really missed fresh garden greens.Lettuce in supermarket is limp and tasteless.Took lots of food with us but did eat out 1 night.Had a nice steak and salad and revolting chips.Much prefer eating at home.

buzzy110, Apr 21, 6:32am
A holiday. I hope you all had a good time. did you go anywhere interesting where you could do interesting things or was it a 'business' type trip.

vmax2, Apr 21, 6:35am
Went to Cromwell.Had someone to milk cows for a few days.Went 4wdriving a bit, visited Queenstown and Alexandra and just chilled out with family.

buzzy110, Apr 21, 9:39pm
I hope you pop in today at some point soon. I am going to ask TM to ban me for a year later this afternoon. I have so much to do and I waste too much time on here. It would be nice to have contact occasionally. Are you a poster on the dark side! If so I'll rejoin so we can sometimes talk.

buzzy110, Apr 21, 9:39pm
I hope you pop in today at some point soon. I am going to ask TM to ban me for a year later this afternoon. I have so much to do and I waste too much time on here. It would be nice to have contact occasionally. Are you a poster on the dark side! If so I'll rejoin so we can sometimes talk.

Edited to add: I think my going will also help other posters to heal themselves of illness that may be caused by having to divert energy toward constant hate of another human being. One is suffering badly - hives, high cortisol levels from stress,hypothyroidism and general unhappiness. I am appalled to think I may be aggravating those symptoms. Lol

vmax2, Apr 21, 10:07pm
Are you serious buzzy! or just winding me up!Yes indeed it is a time waster.Yes I am a member on the dark side.Not as much happening over there though.It would be good to keep talking to you.I think we are both a bit black and white over food ie no sweeteners, no protein powders etc.Is our friend uli away for a year!

buzzy110, Apr 21, 10:33pm
For good. And yes I am serious. I can say this exactly how I want now that I am going to have myself banned.

In nature canine species live this sort of life. There is a top male dog with a harem. The harem is kept in line by an alpha bitch and the underdogs think themselves very happy. They go around sniffing each other's stinking backsides and live only for the time when their top dog deigns to give them attention. They hunt as a pack and are savage with their kill. Any female dog who bucks the norm is similarly savaged. After each savaging they mill around, wagging their tails, happy with their deeds whilst the blood of their own kind is dripping around their slobbering mouths.

We are humans but some females display many of the pack animal traits and happily sniff each other's derriers whilst presenting their own derriers to the top dog who will happily bite them dead if they disobey the pack law.

I am no longer keen to watch such demeaning and degrading behaviour and be constantly bullied by those who participate willingly in such toxic activity.I also ask myself, "Who am I to try and change the behaviour of people whose heart's desire is to make themselves ill with a diet that they think is the best diet of all". Why should I care!

One poster in here tells me off but she has, through her diet, managed to kill off her daughter, ensure her son a lifetime of having cancerous melanomas removed and whose own breast has been removed. She appears to not even be in a happy marriage. Yet she somehow finds my health advice objectionable. I am at an age where I should be less than healthy with creeping pharmaceuticals keeping me going and be disenchanted with my husband and yet I am so full of healthy life, I even shock myself and my husband cuddles and kisses me 10 times a day and tells me how lucky he is.

buzzy110, Apr 21, 10:33pm
For good. And yes I am serious. I can say this exactly how I want now that I am going to have myself banned.

In nature canine species live this sort of life. There is a top male dog with a harem. The harem is kept in line by an alpha bitch and the underdogs think themselves very happy. They go around sniffing each other's stinking backsides and live only for the time when their top dog deigns to give them attention. They hunt as a pack and are savage with their kill. Any female dog who bucks the norm is similarly savaged. After each savaging they mill around, wagging their tails, happy with their deeds whilst the blood of their own kind is dripping around their slobbering mouths.

We are humans but some females display many of the pack animal traits and happily sniff each other's derriers whilst presenting their own derriers to the top dog who will happily bite them dead if they disobey the pack law.

I am no longer keen to watch such demeaning and degrading behaviour and be constantly bullied by those who participate willingly in such toxic activity.I also ask myself, "Who am I to try and change the behaviour of people whose heart's desire is to make themselves ill with a diet that they think is the best diet of all". Why should I care!

One poster in here tells me off but she has, through her diet, managed to kill off her daughter, ensure her son a lifetime of having cancerous melanomas removed and whose own breast has been removed. She appears to not even be in a happy marriage. Yet she somehow finds my health advice objectionable. I am at an age where I should be less than healthy with creeping increases in pharmaceuticals keeping me going, be on first name basis with my doctor and be disenchanted with my husband. Yet I am so full of healthy life, I even shock myself and my husband cuddles and kisses me 10 times a day and tells me how lucky he is.

vmax2, Apr 21, 11:19pm
Rightio buzzy.I know where you're coming from but prefer not to be so cynical.When I was first 'converted' to this way of eating I wanted to change the world.I'm now more gentle in my approach.Everyone is at there own stage of development and I am here for anyone who needs me rather than trying to force my stuff down their throats.My goats have a top goat and regularly try and challenge that.Love to watch them butting each other.It is hard watching others with health issues.My own mother has had a breast removed and chemotherapy and radiation.We've had bad words about diets in the past.So I no longer speak of these things to her.It is her life, she can live it the way she wants.Don't forget buzzy that you've had many kind words on these message boards too.Just reading this morning that pickles is very grateful to you and uli for advice.Oh well, see you over the other side then.

toadfish, Apr 21, 11:32pm
I think distancing yourself from something that obviously brings you suchanguish is a good thing.
Be happy Buzzy and take care

buzzy110, Apr 21, 11:47pm
Actually I give very little advice but even when I go into a thread about something completely different it turns toxic. I thought you and I were the only people in this thread but I can see that there are others who will not be able to help themselves - those who are part of the pack. They'll all be in here trying to make out that they are not underdogs dancing to the alpha bitches tune but they are. They feel proud to be a part of such a personally demeaning and degrading cult, wagging their pathetic tails everytime they take a snap. Sadly for them I am more amused and not anguished at all. I think they would like me to be anguished like them.

vmax2, Apr 22, 1:22am
Hey buzzy are you a member yet on the other side because I can't seem to log in there.Don't know what's happening.But then I've always been a bit technically challenged.

bedazzledjewels, Apr 22, 1:36am
Under control Vmax. Keep an eye on your emails.

vmax2, Apr 22, 1:44am
Sorted thanks