deus701, Apr 15, 12:43pm
thats a nice tidy backyard. Wish I have one.

cookessentials, Apr 15, 7:06pm
Looks wonderful fisher.

nfh1, Apr 15, 7:40pm
Looks really good.

winnie231, Apr 15, 7:48pm
Looking good there fisher . when it's done I hope you'll take time to go out fishing for something to go with the veges!

elliehen, Apr 15, 10:14pm
Put up a listing for your Trade Me Services after that one is finished!

fisher, Apr 16, 1:30am
cheers gals. been wanting one for ages.you should see the rest of the garden.if you think that's tidy.:}} . Been a long haul but nearly there. Winnie.that's the idea once I get all these jobs out of way.not far now.

nik12, Apr 16, 11:06am
Had to check your profile and then chuckle to my self with your half a glass house! No go in Southland :-).
Looks lovely though and I'm very jealous.

donnabeth, Apr 16, 11:13am
One frost here and the basil in the tunnel house goes black. Already I have a plastic wrap as an extra 'skin' over my basil to protect it as long as possible.

I'm looking for something to grow after the tomatoes are out. Already planted some cabbages and flower seeds. Potatoes will go in about August.

charlieb2, Apr 16, 11:03pm
Well done fisher, it looks fantastic

beaker59, Apr 17, 12:31am
Check the underside of the potato leaves for tiny mites it could be that new pest thats decimating potato harvests around NZ. We had it this year on the potatoes and basil but not the tomatoes. Basil seems to cope with it though the mites are visible thus not apetising young growth seemed ok though.

Mind you because of it we had an interesting potato harvest a bucket of potatoes the size of beans delicious in a whole potato salad.

edit to add found a link -

fisher, Apr 17, 12:05pm
Hiyas Charlieb2.thanks we pleased.:}}
Cheers for that beaker59. not sure what it was.looked like a "rust" type of thing all over the leaves.best idea was to cut them off at the neck. and they went over the fence.( not in compost).
Finished the glasshouse today. most impressed. Its situated over our old potato patch and it was rotary hoed each year.Ground was well fertilized with blood and bone. gen garden fert. and sheep pellets. about 6 weeks ago.Going to garden centre tomorrow to see what we can find.and top up with potting mix.Nice and warm in there today :}}

darlingmole, Apr 18, 2:52am
I've already bough a couple of pots to put on my window sill for my basil because was told they do NOT like the cold.the guy at the plant shop said that growing mesculan salad lettuces would work fine over winter in Auckland . presume the same for you up there fisher!