Replacement for Bournvita

colbarch, Apr 18, 8:48am
Sorry if this thread has come up already at some stage.
I usedBournvita for a few things in baking.Now I use Milo for drinking but I can't see it working for baking and I don't enjoy if as much.
Would appreciate any thoughts.

cgvl, Apr 18, 9:07am
I use Ovaltine but agree not sure what to substitute Bournvita with, can't understand why they took it off the market here at all.

lilyfield, Apr 18, 9:09am
just plain cocoa with a bit of malt extract

lx4000, Apr 18, 9:01pm
Drinking Chocolate! mmMmm nice as a drink toos:)

sarahb5, Apr 18, 9:22pm
Maybe Ovaltine and drinking chocolate together!I don't much like Milo on it's own as it's too sweet for me but it tastes OK if I add a teaspoon of instant coffee - 1 coffee, 2 Milo.

willyow, Apr 19, 12:19am
Dutch cocoa is super good - there may be some on Trademe.

sarahb5, Apr 19, 12:44am
It is good but wouldn't have that malty flavour you get from Bournvita

lindylambchops1, Apr 19, 5:32am
Start a campaign to bring back Bournvita!

francisfrancis, Apr 22, 2:47am

firemansgirl, Apr 22, 2:49am
I have Bournvita in my cupboard, hardly ever drink it and it is almost gone but never knew it was off the shelves; when did that happen!

lorel, May 1, 5:19am
I used to love Bournvita sprinkled on my ice cream or to eat straight from the packet because it was lovely and crunchy. I do miss it. :-(