Preservation of FEJOAS

simplephone1, Mar 23, 2:54am
How can I keep/freeze/sore.Love them so dont want to waste

simplephone1, Mar 23, 2:57am
Sorry for the 2 threads,thought the first one hadnt gone through

lilyfield, Mar 23, 3:16am
freeze-bottle -make jam

darlingmole, Mar 23, 3:18am
I froze mine last year - put them in ice-cream containers or a suitable size ready to make jam/chutney or for baking etc

eljayv, Mar 23, 8:34am
I cook them then freeze them

eljayv, Mar 23, 8:36am
I cook them then freeze them ready to make crumble or fruit sponge later in the year.

pickles7, Mar 23, 8:58am
Feijoa jam is not very nice, it can be gritty. I cook and freeze them too.

tehenga288, Mar 23, 9:04am
make feijoa cake or muffins and freeze or usefrozen pulp to make the cake

tlkin, Mar 24, 4:26am
I bottle them. Soooo yummy to have with breakfast or as dessert with icecream when they are not in season. I peel them (time consuming) or cut them in half and scoop out the flesh if we have loads and either do the hot overn method and that cooks them. Or the overflow method which involves lightly stewing them first and preserving them in the syrup that they have been cooked in. When we had a big freezer, I would stew them and then freeze them in containers. Yes feijoa jam can be gritty. Chutney is nice. Jelly is nice (and pretty) but a bit of a fiddle faddle!

purplegoanna, Mar 24, 7:56am

glenleigh, Mar 24, 8:53am
Feijoa Apricot & Cardomom Chutney recipie in the NZ Gardener 2012 diary.Will be trying this one myself for the first time this year.
1.5kg feijoas peeled and chopped, 750 gm apples peeled and chopped, 200ml malt vinegar, 1kg sugar, 1 1/2 tspns cinnamon, 220gms dried apricots halved, 150gm raisins, 1 heaped tspn cardamom seeds crushed, 1 tspn black peppercorns coarsley ground, 1/2 tspn ground cloves and 1/2 tspn salt.Put all ingredients into large pot and cook for a couple of hours stirring from time tot ime to prevent sticking.Pour into jars and seal.Makes 2.5 litres.Apparently improves with age.

lililambchops, Apr 10, 8:34pm
I made this Feijoa and apricot one yesterday, but it is more like jam, it's too sweet. If I make it again I think I will add onions, garlic and some chili maybe.

arabelle, Apr 10, 9:52pm
I cut them up into about 6-8 pieces, do about 4, mix with a tsp of castor sugar, to help prevent browning and straight into a plastic bag, suck out the air with a straw, and straight into freezer, they were delicious6mths very easy peasy.

makespacenow, Apr 10, 11:58pm
must be the way you make it . made 200 jars last year, and they were gone in no time, people asked me already if I was going to make more this year.
but then I scoop them out and don't use sugar so it tastes just like real feijoa.

makespacenow, Apr 10, 11:59pm
also dry them (dehydrator or oven on lowest setting)
fruit leathers
as said above jams/chutneys/sauces/ or bottle them
freeze (I scoop mine and halve them and some blend too)

beaker59, Apr 11, 1:11am
Oh I so love feijoa jam have made a few batches already just had my breakfast of toast and feijoa jam mmmmmm delicious :)

Sure its a little gritty but I don't mind thats feijoas for you EH!