
cloudberry, Apr 10, 2:38am
I have heaps of this growing wild in the garden. I have never used it, except to throw a few leaves into veg soup. Does anyone cook with it! Of course I've consulted Google and found some interesting recipes from dear old Hugh F-W which I will try, but I'd be interested in some first-hand ideas.

elliehen, Apr 10, 3:42am
I've got it too and put it into green salads.I asked fisher what to do with it, in another thread, and uli answered saying feed it to the chooks!

It's such a pretty clump with its red-veined leaves that it looks good just growing.

cloudberry, Apr 10, 4:17am
Yes, it's quite decorative. Alas I have no chooks to feed it to!

fisher, Apr 10, 1:55pm
ellie. never really used it. quick nosey says salads. tarts. and punch.
Might have a nosey in my herb book for you.when I can.I tend to only grow what I use now to save a lot of effort and looking after.:}

elliehen, Apr 10, 10:55pm
Thanks fisher.It's related to the dock and looks like a dock ;)

fisher, Apr 10, 11:59pm
Sorrel. Rumex acetosa.used to make soup.(use enamel saucepan) fresh young leaves torn up for salads.the juice, because it contains oxalic acid will remove some stains and curdle milk.
That's all it says.:}
"Herbs in New Zealand"- Heather Skelton 1980.

cloudberry, Apr 11, 12:04am
Curdle milk, whatever next. I shall continue using it with caution. There are recipes online for sorrel soup but i think that would be quite overpowering.Thanks Fisher!

elliehen, Apr 11, 12:07am
Thanks - and caution - from me too.Oxalic acid doesn't tickle my taste buds ;)

books4nz, Apr 11, 7:23am
Sometimes added to the herbs for pesto too.

antoniab, Apr 11, 9:22am
I made a delish sauce for fish off this website but I cant find it now sorry.

katalin2, Apr 11, 10:21am
My mum used to make a sorrel sauce to have with fish as well- finely chopped sorrel lightly sauteed with sour cream I think- sorry can't remember the exact recipe. I use it as a salad ingredient- it just comes up year after year in my herb garden. Have had cold sorrel soup years ago at a friends- interesting taste and texture.