Where to buy products

willyow, Feb 1, 5:59pm
I find it absurd that when someone on a discussion board inquires about where to buy a product , it is a breach of Trademe policyfor someone to point out that it is available on Trademe,if they are the person selling it.

If someone else points it out, apparently it is OK.

On a recent discussion on where to buycocoa I pointed out that is was available on Trademe ( I didn't say I sold it)and someone complained and it was removed. Laughable - considering those who post non-stop here, presumably to promote sales via online stores.

This policy seems contrary to Trademe's strategy to grow its business (the policy they pushed when encouraging me to buy shares in the recent float).

horizons_, Feb 1, 8:25pm
Imagine all the threads there'd be if Tme allowed us to self promote on the message boards. They'd lose a lot of revenue in listing fees or start charging us to use the message board lol.Frustrating as it may be for you,and while you did try to keep it general, I guess it is still self promotion, particularly as there are only one or two of you selling cocoa

willyow, Feb 1, 8:45pm
I don't think people should be able to self promote - but I think they should be able to point out that something is sold on Trademe if people have already asked where to buy it. My post that was removed came after several posts promoting brands and stores that aren't listed on Trademe. - crazy thatthat is OK - but pointing out it could be bought on Trademe was deemed illegal!

vintagekitty, Feb 1, 9:18pm
Is it because YOU sell it!, I have no idea but yeah there are some very odd posters on here, for sure. I know there are some that are dibby dobbers about everything, a couple in particular are militant.

vintagekitty, Feb 1, 9:18pm
Is it because YOU sell it!, I have no idea but yeah there are some very odd posters on here, for sure. I know there are some that are dibby dobbers about everything, a couple in particular are militant.

I praised another poster on here, more so as tounge in cheek and recieved a email from TM support. I challenged it as I was not self promoting at all. She agreed and said she recieves lots of reports basically from the same posters.

horizons_, Feb 1, 9:42pm
Yep I reckon these people must have sad sad lives. I wonder what (if any) pleasure they gain from dobbing people in.

kamitchell, Feb 1, 9:59pm
I also read that thread, and I didn't think there was anything wrong with your comments.

P.S I buy our cocoa off you :)

uli, Feb 1, 10:09pm
They do - I got a letter from tm not to self promote after someone dobbed me in. I wasn't even selling anything at the time - so pretty hard to self-promote I thought LOL.

It came about after I joked in a recipe thread about frogs legs and asked if I should list some tadpoles so you could grow your own.

Some people wouldn't see a joke if it hit them in the face by the looks of it.

beaker59, Feb 1, 11:32pm
I would have thought the main commercial purpose of these boards is promotion of Trademe listings so surely they should encourage self promotion. Though I can see an argument for promotion of other outlets eg someone who sells on other sites or shop.

elliehen, Feb 2, 12:13am
It's useful to know that Trade Me notes who the regular dibby dobbers are.

I'm always happy to answer a question (usually in Books - my own area of interest) and point the questioner to the book - but it's never my own.

I answered a question here yesterday about where to buy a particular herb.Surely if it's not your own listing and you're not spamming the boards by promoting a mate, it's OK!

winnie231, Feb 2, 1:06am
The whole self-promotion thing has always been a sticky issue.
You may not have said "buy it from me" directly but I saw your post & the winking smiley face made me immediately think . I bet she sells it.
I clicked on your name and bingo - you do - so it was subtle but still self promoting.
Someone obviously felt strongly enough about it to report the post.
Live & learn I guess.
Ellie - helping people find products where there's no financial gain for yourself is fine as far as I can tell, whether the product is available through TM or a shop elsewhere.

pickles7, Feb 2, 2:29am
We all know how to find what we are wanting on trade me, we don't need it shoved down our throats.
If I am looking for something in particular, I use the "search "function and the drop down, finds it for me every time.
But then, I am not stupid.

elliehen, Feb 2, 2:34am
Judging from the many questions asked about where to find or buy things, not everyone is quite as clever as you pickles ;)

pickles7, Feb 2, 2:36am
The, big red barns, have there place.

shop-a-holic, Feb 2, 2:37am
Hi girls

Are we still advertising a product when someone asks "what is the best oven brand!; where to buy OO flour!; best potato-type for using in a potato gun and aiming at your neighbours!"
Food for thought; please excuse the pun.

Uli: If you went into the market and supplied frog legs, I would definitely buy them :-) Just another one of those extremely-hard-to-find ingredients.

shop-a-holic, Feb 2, 2:37am
Hi girls

Are we still advertising a product when someone asks "what is the best oven brand!; where to buy OO flour!; best potato-type for using in a potato gun and aiming at your neighbours!"
Food for thought; please excuse the pun.

Uli: Loved what you said about Frogs Legs. If you went into the market and supplied frog legs, I would definitely buy them :-) Just another one of those extremely-hard-to-find ingredients.

elliehen, Feb 2, 5:35am
Yes we are, but we're permitted as long as we're not personally selling them ;)

Entire messageboards would close if people were prevented from asking those questions - imagine if you couldn't ask for consumer advice in DIY & Gardening!

Edited to add: .or Computing!.or Travel!.or.

vampiriousmist, Feb 11, 12:48pm
Love your Gourmet Chefs Packs :D

katalin2, Feb 11, 8:57pm
Love this thread- have been looking for some good cocoa that doesn't cost the earth!

norse_westie, Feb 11, 9:18pm
It is kinda sad isnt it! You can imagine just what the dobbers lives are like though.
Personally I often buy products after reading the MBs and discovering a poster sells something. And I dont hesitate to tell others how good the products are from that trader. (FTR Willyows cocoa and vanilla beans are the best I have ever bought).

gtcrshr, Feb 11, 9:27pm
does this thread count for self advertising as well ! as i just looked through your items and there are a few things i like the look of .

willyow, Feb 11, 9:27pm
Gladyou like my products -even though I can't mention I sell them here. (some small-minded sod will probably dob me in for saying that!)

southerngurl, Feb 11, 10:58pm
Some days I do wonder if its not harder going round and being the narkerer than it is to play nicely. I'd love to actually see the dobber inner list.
And when it comes to food its a bit silly, as many who actually hang out in Recipes are sellers of foodie goods - because thats their passion, same as if i went to books many of the sellers there have books for sale cos again thats their passion. Seems a bit silly that Tm thinks its automatic self-promotion everytime someone speaks of a product/item that they know and there for are also selling.
If their so tied in knicker knots over it, can we get expletive beeps when ever we talk about something we also are selling that we have knowledge about and therefore it wouldn't be considering self promotion!

*Note I dont know if this post makes any sense, its Sunday and Ive only had one coffee.

pickles7, Feb 12, 4:16am
Another name, would make your idea go rampant. Business traders, are allowed more than there trading name. Maybe some, have been a bit naughty.