What is with this country?

tjman, Feb 1, 12:14am
I cant get turkey breasts anywhere.I just dont belive it.
I've been to all the supermarkets, 4 different butchers, one of which had crocodile and roo, but no bloody turkey.Even Farros and nosh dont have any . arhhg

davidt4, Feb 1, 12:17am
I'm sure I've seen turkey breast at The Aussie Butcher.

prawn_whiskas, Feb 1, 12:24am
Pack n Save have it regularly. If its something you buy regularly then why not ask the butcher of your local supermarket to stock some or have it bought in just for you.

lodgelocum, Feb 1, 5:20am
Don't think there is much wrong with our 'country' at all.Probably because here we normally only have turkey at Christmas time.As other OP says, just ask your local butcher and sure they may be able to source for you.

twindizzy, Feb 1, 5:25am
Pak N Slave is often loaded with Turkey!

tjman, Feb 1, 5:59am
I found out from a butcher that it is particularly hard to get hold of at the moment.I'll be patient and wait.Til then it will have to be chicken.

lythande1, Feb 1, 6:25am
And Countdown too, in fact Turkey breast is all over the place. Now try finding turkey limbs for something harder.although it is possible, poultry specialist shops, and so on.

deflatedpumpkin, Feb 1, 6:29am
ring croziers turkeys down here and ask if you can get their product anywhere up there :)

goodbooks, Feb 1, 8:52am
Have seen it at Countdown and Pack n Save

lurtz, Feb 1, 8:57am
All the best. Freely available.

leebee35, Feb 1, 9:55am
I have to agree you do not see it around as much these days.When I lived in London I bought turkey over chicken.If someone can confirm 100% where it is in Auckland.I'll eat my hat. oops Turkey!

marywea, Feb 1, 9:28pm
Turkeys are in their best condition about June. During spring and early summer they have been egg sitting then child minding and get quite scrawny.I do not know about commercially bred ones but it could explain the shortage now.

creeky1, Feb 1, 9:37pm

uli, Feb 1, 10:15pm
Even our little Pak'n'Save here have turkey breasts. So not sure where you are looking!

Also there was disease outbreak last year in our turkey manufacturing factories here in NZ, the birds were kept a bit too close and dirty and no doubt fattened on GE corn and soybeans . it was in the news at the time and discussed here too. So that is why the turkeys have not been so plentiful last Xmas and sometimes not everyone has them.

Personally I would rather cook grass fed beef or mutton than those poor creatures.

uli, Feb 1, 10:16pm
Lovely to eat :)
Tastes like a cross between a chicken and a lobster/crayfish.

prawn_whiskas, Feb 1, 11:36pm
Oooh Yum, a land crayfish then.

davidt4, Feb 2, 1:06am
Unlike alligator, which in my one experience of it was more like a cross between a mullet and an old pot scrub.