Completely Off Topic but . I'll ask anyway

winnie231, Jan 31, 6:26pm
This is the only forum I participate in so decided to ask for some help here (general is too weird for me lol).
I'm shopping for a point & shoot digital camera & want to hear your recommendations or negative comments about what's out there. Which brand is best!
All I know is I'm going to buy one with 10+ mp & atleast 3x optical zoom.
Help please . tia, Winnie :)

ruby19, Jan 31, 6:45pm
Not sure of model's but canon cameras are really good. Daughter has one that has a slow motion video camera, that she has lots of fun with.

pup2, Jan 31, 7:07pm
We have a cannon and it is great. I reckon it is best to go round the shops and have a play with all the different brands out there. All pretty much have the same base features but some just "feel" better than others. If ya know what I mean

valentino, Jan 31, 7:21pm
There are basically two very well known branded Cameras, Canon and Nikon.

It really comes down to what your main criteria that you want like - Just point and shoot snapshots or wanting that extra where one can be a little creative wise.

Best is to look at various reviews (by Googling) and look to what fits your price range and what you expect in your end results.

Me personally is a Nikon fan, have both "Coolpix" and a "DSLR", the coolpix is neat and ideal for those instants photos whereas the DSLR is more for taking a higher quality photo.

Also think of your own Darkroom, Hmmmm, in the old days it was developing photos to suit, these days it is done via a Software program, this is more involved though so it does come down to your main purpose.

Oh, like computers, Digital cameras are being further develped each year for e.g. one bought say in 2002 is now totally outdated today.

Another camera will note is something like a Nikon J1, it is compact yet has the feature of a see-through lens and the lens are detachable meaning various sized lens can be used.

So think of your budget then look within that price range of the above two makes are the best.

Cheers and hoped the above does help and give further thoughts without being confusing.

valentino, Jan 31, 11:19pm
Yes davidt4, especially the bit about "Raw", this is far better than "Jpeg" format.

Jpeg after being viewed a few times can lose the odd "dot" or pixel starts to fade a little whereas "raw" keeps them a lot longer in that higher quality.
One important thing to be wary off.

Raw does take more memory space than jpeg but is worth it especially if one gets those special photos.

Both Canon and Nikon does both. Raw can be changed to jpeg anytime to suit but not so successful the other way around (jpeg to raw).


winnie231, Jan 31, 11:59pm
Thanks very much!
This is just the kind of info I'm after - real people sharing real experience with their cameras.
I've been googling around alot but there's so much info it was becoming overwhelming & confusing!
Any other input welcome but looks like I'll be going into some shops to find some Canons to have a play with.

twindizzy, Feb 1, 12:07am
I highly recommend a Canon Ixus

fisher, Feb 1, 12:29am
If a budget means best value for your buck . then a Panasonic Lumix would suit you nicely in your line of work.
Freeze proof, dust proof, shock resistant and best of all can be used underwater.out on your boats.kayak etc.without worry of it getting damaged. FANTASTIC 1080p videoand point and shoot capabilities as well as manual if you want to play around.
I bought one for on my boat and use it for traveling as its compact.
Have the SLR which is great but cumbersome and .lol. you stand out like a tourist with it hanging around your neck.hahahaha:}

fisher, Feb 1, 12:29am
If a budget means best value for your buck . then a Panasonic Lumix would suit you nicely in your line of work.
Freeze proof, dust proof, shock resistant and best of all can be used underwater.out on your boats.kayak etc.without worry of it getting damaged. FANTASTIC 1080p videoand point and shoot capabilities as well as manual if you want to play around.
I bought one for on my boat and use it for traveling as its compact.
Have the DSLR which is great but cumbersome and .lol. you stand out like a tourist with it hanging around your neck.hahahaha:}

fisher, Feb 1, 12:29am
If a budget means best value for your buck . then a Panasonic Lumix would suit you nicely in your line of work.
Freeze proof, dust proof, shock resistant and best of all can be used underwater.out on your boats.kayak etc.without worry of it getting damaged. FANTASTIC 1080p videoand point and shoot capabilities as well as manual if you want to play around.
I bought one for on my boat and use it for traveling as its compact.
Have the DSLR which is great but cumbersome and .lol. you stand out like a tourist with it hanging around your neck.hahahaha:}

EDIT:One more thing. get a NEW one with a never know why folks are selling or what probs they may have encountered with the one they are selling.

valentino, Feb 1, 12:44am
Absolutely, Buy new, ensured a total NEW warranty, number one must do, money spent is guaranteed.

deus701, Feb 1, 1:43am
I had a cannon.great lens, great photos. but stolen by some lowlife. My next camera I settled for panasonic ft3, its tough, waterproof to 12m, shockproof from a 2m drop.I like the burst mode function when it captures 4-5pic at the same time at one push of the button. Great for candid momments, or finding the 'perfect' picture.

deus701, Feb 1, 1:44am
I actually bought my ft3 from this guy. Great to deal with, did the trade off trademe and he threw in a 16gb mem card.

winnie231, Feb 1, 1:57am
Thanks valentino, fisher & deus - you have all been particularly helpful :)
With all the kayaking & hiking I do in the Abel Tasman I was seriously considering a 'tough' camera but wasn't sure if that would less in image quality. I'll head into Nelson next week & have a play with some in store.

deus701, Feb 1, 2:05am
the box comes with a silicone case which you should put on if you're doing water activties .i brought my camera to a rainy day at piha, even to the hotsprings and works fine. Ithas gps so you know where exactly each picture is taken.but it drains the battery. I guess a downside with Ft3 is nightshots are abit lacklusture.but I guess I paid for durability not for picture quality

fisher, Feb 1, 3:14am
deus701. I have the FT2. lost the silicon cover on the boat one day.think my mate took it off :{{{But we stick it underwater and take video/pics of fish as they come to the boat.took it to Raro and did underwater videos.and pics.Image quality is superb. Video Quality is fantastic.Kathy uses the DSLR now for around home shots.

deus701, Feb 1, 4:17am
The instruction booklet says to use silicone case for water activities, other than that is best not to leave it on. I guess its just extra protection to protect the camera nooks and cranny from grit, water, etc. The book did say after using in wet environments, one should use the mini brush and brush the whole camera of any sand, etc. flip open the battery cover and let it air dry for 45min to an hour (a step I usually ignored)

Other than that, its a highly rated tough camera.better than the ones made by canon, olympus, samsung, etc

deus701, Feb 1, 4:17am
The instruction booklet says to use silicone case for water activities, other than that is best not to leave it on. I guess its just extra protection to protect the camera nooks and cranny from grit, water, etc. The book did say after using in wet environments, one should use the mini brush and brush the whole camera of any sand, etc. flip open the battery cover and let it air dry for 45min to an hour (a step I usually ignored). I have not tested the shock capabilities.feel free to test it out on yours =)

Other than that, its a highly rated tough camera.better than the ones made by canon, olympus, samsung, etc.

deflatedpumpkin, Feb 1, 6:31am
may i also suggest asking someone in a store if you can have a play with oneyou're interested in. i had a play with mum and dads one, they love it, i hate it!

sarahb5, Feb 1, 7:29am
Love my new Canon IXUS 220HS - very easy to operate, instructions are really clear, photos are great and it's red!