Is There A Proper Name For This Item?

elliehen, Jan 15, 9:22pm
It's a piedish.Pies weren't always baked in round plates.

rubyjane11, Jan 15, 9:24pm
I have a couple of them that used to be my Mothers

elliehen, Jan 15, 9:24pm

starry29, Jan 15, 9:25pm
piedish lol that's all it is called elliehen!. hehehe i thought they were some kind of camping cooking dish

margyr, Jan 15, 9:27pm
, rice pudding or rhubarb sponge was what Mum and Gma used to make, I still have Mums one and use it for the things I have mentioned as well as shepards pie and scalloped potato. Starry you can still buy them, check out 2nd hand shops as well, enamel dish.

sarahb5, Jan 15, 9:28pm
If it's metal then it would be called an enamel pie dish

elliehen, Jan 15, 9:28pm
Love those plain names that call a spade a spade :)You'll be lucky if you can find an original one that doesn't have chips in the enamel.

starry29, Jan 15, 9:31pm
yup that's it on page 2. my Gran had heaps of them, little ones.the one in my pic is what hubby got from his Nana, and it is HUGE and DEEP. i was wondering what i should make in it. apple sponge!.
mmmm rice pudding , thanks margyr now i feel hungry lol

effcee1, Jan 15, 9:32pm
I have one which was my mothers, still as new.

margyr, Jan 15, 9:33pm
and to make a nummy rice pudding use aborio (sp) rice, makes the best most creamiest.

lodgelocum, Jan 15, 9:40pm
My Mum used to make all her pies in them, they were great, just called a pie dish, no name in particular.I doubt whether you could buy them now but someone else may know.

elliehen, Jan 15, 9:46pm
People used to use the small ones to make individual one-person pies.

ibcreative, Jan 15, 10:05pm
I have one of those that was my Nana's. I remember her making steak & kidney pie in it. Yum!

I love using it because it brings back lovely memories of my Nana who died 19 years ago.

I also have her huge enamel roasting dish. They were made to last back then.

daleaway, Jan 15, 10:29pm
That's what people used before pyrex was invented.

My gran even used to make her famous Cornish Potato Cake in them, a circular one with a wide flat rim. You got a nice double effect fruit cake - crunchy edges and soggy middle, yum.

greerg, Jan 15, 11:49pm
You can still buy enamel piedishes.Mitre 10 has had them down here at times.

elliehen, Jan 16, 12:26am
Enamel mugs and plates made in China are available there too, although they are heavy in tramping packs and there are lighter stainless steel ones you can buy now.

cookessentials, Jan 16, 2:27am
Enamel pie dish.but not for a normal pie, usually for shepherds pie. My mother has one that she brought over from the UK in 1959 and the family rice pudding has been made in it ever since.

pheebs1, Jan 16, 3:24am
yes my nanna made ricepudding in hers too

maggiemay33, Jan 16, 6:06am
pie dish. I think most grandmother's had these. Sadly my grandmother never got to pass on the yummy pie recipes.

duckmoon, Jan 16, 6:42am
That is what my mother called them

sumstyle, Jan 16, 8:46am
I used mine tonight before I read this thread!I made a pie = pork stew cooked the other day, with added courgette and then a flaky pastry topping.Such a fast meal and it looked pretty too.

ucanchoose, Jan 16, 8:53am
we always just called them enamel dishes, and we used them for the dog's food!We might have called them pie dishes if we'd actually used them for pies!I don't know why they were used for the dog/s, they just always were, for as long as I can remember.

starry29, Jan 16, 8:53pm
lol ucanchoose. funny you say that. on the farm we are on the owner uses them for dog food too lol