Island Donuts

mr-and-mrs, Dec 31, 10:36pm
google pani popo. i found 1 on google and its great. i do the dough mix in my breadmaker though cos I'm a failure with yeast

mr-and-mrs, Dec 31, 10:42pm
3/4c luke warm milk, 4T butter (soft),2 eggs,1t vanilla essence,3 1/2c flour,1/4c sugar,2 1/4t active yeast.
Put into breadmaker in order and set to dough cycle.When finished roll into small balls and place into a greased dish.

Sauce: 2 1/2c coconut milk,1c sugar,1t cornflour,pinch of salt.
Put all into pot whisk very well on low-medium heat and bring to boil.Boil for 5-7 minutes til slightly thickened.Remove from heat and pour over all the buns
Bake 170 degrees celcius for 25-30 mins or golden brown

mr-and-mrs, Dec 31, 10:43pm
please notedo not over roll the buns ok

reenie1, Dec 29, 7:12am
Hi Everyone!

Just wanting to make some Island Donuts for my hubby! Recipe would be much appreciated!

falcon-hell, Dec 29, 6:25pm
never heard of them.but they sound good,lol.

cookessentials, Dec 29, 6:53pm
This is one posted by qtraro

Hi there
I found a recipe which sounds about right. I should ask my nanna hers are the best! :)

Its quite easy to make all you need is:
300 mls warm water (28 - 35 degrees)

1 teaspoon sugar

1 heap tablespoon yeast

Add dry ingredients to warm water, stir and leave to sit somewhere warm. Should take about 20 mins. You know when it is right because the yeast froths up like a big head sitting on a beer. If nothing happens either the water is to cold to hot or the yeast is dead

1 bag of flour (1.5kg)

1 cup sugar (more if you like it sweeter)

1 cup dessicated coconut (optional) I use the this as it gives it a coconut flavour

Colouring (optional) I don't use but some people always ask how do you get it yellow!

300 grams soft butter - not melted

1/2 teaspoon salt

Mix butter and flour thoroughly (rub butter into flour) then add the rest of the ingredients and mix well. After mixing has finished leave a well in the middle to pour the yeast mixture in.

700 mls of warm water or milk (I use milk) optional what you do but it was the way I was shown

Pour yeast mixture into the well and half of the warm liquid and get the the hands going. As you mix pour the remainder of the liquid in.

When all ingredients is completely mixed roll it out of the dish and onto a floured bench and lightly knead it making sure you sprinkle some flour on top before you start kneading.

Kneading should only take 2 - 3 minutes, pushing down into the middle and folding the eadges back in, don't be rough. Put it back into the dish, cover with a T-towel and put it somewhere warm to rise or double in size. (2 - 3 hrs or longer)Depends how warm it is.

If you are working in a cold environment thinks will take longer to happen.

After it has doubled in size roll it out onto a floured bench lightly kneading it, same as above (2 - 3 mins)

Grab a roller and roll it out until it is 30mm thick (you don't have to be bang on or you'll be there all day)rolling out in all directions

Get a decent size class or cup (not to big or small)and use it to cut the dough, you should get around 36 to 42 dognuts. The more you practice the better feel you'll get for the the cup size.

With the cut piece put it on a floured bench close to the cooking area, the dognuts have to go through a second phase of rising. If you cook them straight away they will sink like a rock, the room has to be warm for this stage. The second stage puts air back into the dognuts so when you go to cook it, it floats. You can either make a hole in it now or before you cook it. I put the hole in first

To put the hole in poke your fingers through the middle of the dognut and with both hands pull outwards rotating the dognut at the same time. Try and make the hole flarely big cause when it is sitting there rising it will close up, if you make the hole to small it will close up completely but its up to you if you want to put the hole in first or just before you could it, you decide grasshopper.

The dognuts do not take long to cook, I cook it in a roasting type dish using chefade (its up to you what you want to use) I cook 6 at a time, it is easier and quicker to cook when the hole are already there. If you are making the holes before you cook it, because you will be slow by the time you get the 6th one in the first two will be ready and it means working fast.

You only turn the dognuts once, when you check the underside while it cooks you are looking for a light shade of brown, not too dark

This recipe is from:

bounce16, Dec 29, 7:28pm
LOL PSML "dognuts"

pickles7, Dec 29, 7:58pm
Christmas cheer.

elliehen, Dec 29, 10:18pm
I'm often tempted to do a quick proof-read and edit of a recipe I'm posting that was originally put up by someone else, but I long ago decided to leave them as-is because in making changes you're tampering and might alter it in ways not intended.

uli, Dec 29, 11:15pm
Yep - would be terrible to change dognuts into doughnuts - I fully agree :)

elliehen, Dec 30, 12:11am
All sweet then, because if editing had been done bounce16 would not have had her little chuckle and uli would not have had any spelling errors/typos to fuss about :)

cookessentials, Dec 30, 1:52am
I cannot own up to THAT mistake, it was a copy and paste LOl.

reenie1, Dec 30, 11:56pm
WHAOOOOO thanks sooo much - even google couldnt give me the recipe! Much appriciated!

cookessentials, Dec 31, 12:01am
You're welcome