I'm getting my Kitchenaid! *Happy Dance*

bill241, Dec 28, 8:39am
My father was so impressed by my cooking when we did family Christmas that he decided to buy me the Kitchenaid I have been saving for as a gift, so I can put that money towards other things, I'm so happy I just felt the need to gush about it amongst people who appreciate this sort of thing!
I'm getting a Pistachio coloured Artisan one and I'll buy one of the new silicon scraper paddles with some of my saved cash. YAY YAY YAY

arkle16, Dec 28, 8:49am
So pleased for you.Saw one on TV the other night that Donna Hay was using and thought I would like to own one sometime.I am sure you will have fun with it. :)

bill241, Dec 28, 8:55am
Yes I saw that one too and thought, not long now, not long. Then Dad rings tonight and says he's decided to buy it, you could blow me down with a feather right now*.

(*probably not)

fifie, Dec 28, 9:06am
What a lovely dad you have, isn't he a treasure,Enjoy, have fun, and happy cooking.

deus701, Dec 28, 10:05am
wait.does your dad knows it cost nearly a grand!

just saying u knw.some males think "Oh, it might cost a couple bucks, i will get it for her"

gerry64, Dec 28, 11:09am
I love mine - hubby went out and bought it for me for xmas -

bill241, Dec 28, 11:32am
Yep lol! He went off today to look at Kenwood Chefs because that is what he bought about 10 years ago, for himself, and told me that the ones he saw were $1700, and I was like well the one I'm after is $995, then there was a sigh of relief down the phone

lyl_guy, Dec 28, 5:21pm
Excellent!I'd be doing a happy dance too, lol!I don't do enough baking to justify buying one, but I use my newish kenwood processor regularly, and I still get excited when I do!

ayglepaygle, Dec 28, 6:31pm
Lucky you!Enjoy!

cookessentials, Dec 28, 6:56pm
Thats the colour I think I have decided one, it's called "ice" I have the chrome blender which we use pretty much every day.

seniorbones, Dec 28, 10:24pm
if you get it from cookessentials she offers free deliver and great backup service with recipes too and can also get any attachements you would like :-0)

bill241, Dec 29, 2:40am
I'm not too hopeful, but my company is negotiating a discount for one on my behalf (I'm the cook at a rest home and we have a lot of suppliers that discount for us) but I'll probably buy it from the local Total Food Equipmentif that falls through, they're my go-to people for equipment and uniform and stuff when I want non-commercial things.

loismustdye, Dec 29, 5:27am
You can order them from overseas, I'm going to do so for my partner. Makes them around $400 rather than the horrendous $1000-ish they charge here in nz. You just need to get a voltage converter from jaycar or similar store in order to use them using our different voltage.

shop-a-holic, Dec 30, 12:13am
CONGRATULATIONS = *Beams* Welcome to the Club of Food Excitement!