How do you make your

rainrain1, Dec 19, 3:36am
Shepards Pie!

rainrain1, Dec 19, 3:53am
Make a little shepards pie
And stick it in your left eye :-)No matter I've made it now

pickles7, Dec 19, 3:55am
Shepperd's Pie
I usually mince left over roasted lamb or mutton, mix in gravy to moisten.
Pile that into a greased casserole dish, top with mashed potato.
Bake in the oven until it is nice golden brown, and hot.

Some folk will call it a "Cottage pie", [any other roasted meats, minced] I guess this will be well de-bait-ed.

they both, will fill young tummies, most children love it regardless of the " name"
serve it to them with lots of tomato sauce. I like fresh tomatoes with them both, myself.

pickles7, Dec 19, 3:56am
good for youenjoy.

sarahb5, Dec 19, 3:59am
Shepherd's Pie

Mince up leftover lamb (cottage pie is minced beef).Dice and fry an onion until soft.Add the minced meat and fry until starting to brown a little.Add some diced carrots and/or peas and/or corn add enough gravy, worcestershire sauce and tomato ketchup until it tastes good and is wet enough.Put into a dish.Top with mashed potato and/or mashed kumara, spinkle over grated cheese and cook for about 45 minutes at 180.I love it, hubby and daughter love it with HP sauce, sons will eat it if there is absolutely nothing else in the house and only if we don't have it more than once a month.

tipsy_bl0nde, Dec 19, 4:01am
My shepards pie goes like this. Brown the mince with onion and garlic. Stir through some watties pasta sauce in a can and stir through. add some mixed herbs or rosemary and about 1 table spoon of Vegeta gourmet stock, and add a cup or 2 of water. salt and pepper. Add frozen vege of any kind and simmer until veges are tender. Mix through some "BISTO LIGHT BROWN GRAVY POWDER" to thicken simmer for a minute or 2 then pour into casserole dish. top with mashed potatoes, cheese and a sprinkle of paprika. Changes often but thats the general recipe for me.

rainrain1, Dec 19, 4:46am
they all sound pretty good to me.thankyouIt really is a hit and miss pie, depending what I have on hand, and others ideas are nice to keep

iman007, Dec 19, 6:32am
you wont beat my shepherds pie, i only use cooked left over lamb, leg or shoulder, i use a kitchen whizz and mince it fine, then i mince in the wizz carrots, then swede, then onions then a bit of kumara, mix with mince and good half cup tomato sauce (home made best) good swish worcester sauce , bit soy and some salt and pepper. mix it and put in casserole dish, boil some spud, mash with butter and cheese, put on top, bake at 170 for 40 mins, lovely jubbly. Everyone loves my pie, i dont have anything with it, just pie.Lasts me 3 or 4 days and also give some to a mate of mine who lives alone. Try it!

neon2k, Dec 19, 7:15am
My shepards pie never lasts more than one day.
I cut up roast beef - and put some in the food processor so it isn't all just mush.
Add onions, carrots, and whatever vegies I have in fridge.
Must add gravey and sauces to taste.Whatever is in the cupboard but mostly tomato sauce and Worcester and gravey etc.
Put in oven dish and bake.Then I cook up some potatoes, mash them with lots of butter and salt. Add to meat. Then grill - sometimes add cheese on top.

rainrain1, Dec 19, 8:07am
mmm mmm I surely will

rainrain1, Dec 19, 8:08am
Similar to mine, so it must be good

neon2k, Dec 19, 8:19am
you bet - it is very yummy

harrislucinda, Dec 19, 8:45am
cottageis minceduncookedmeat
so you endupwith atotallydifferenttaste