Dehydrator meringues.

cookiebarrel, Dec 15, 5:18am
was wondering if any one has tried making meringues in a dehydrator!I want to make some multi-coloured tiny wee ones to sprinkle over ice cream and don't want to risk them burning.Read in a magazine article somewhere a recipe for 'normal' size meringues cooked at 60 degrees and wondered as my dehydrator does that temp, could I do tiny meringue drops using it!Will most likely give it a go anyway, but wondered if anyone had already tried it.

indy95, Dec 15, 5:30am
No, I haven't tried it, cookiebarrel, but I will be interested to hear how well it works. I always have a problem with small meringues in my oven.

raewyn64, Dec 15, 5:35am
you could try this recipe which you turn the oven off when you put them in the oven so they won't burn. you leave them in there overnight.
Sorry it is in F not C temperatures


2 egg whites (room temp.)
3/4 c. white sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
1 c. chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Lightly grease large cookie sheet.
In a clean stainless or copper bowl beat egg whites until foamy. Gradually add sugar 2 tablespoons at a time. Beat on high until whites are stiff. Add vanilla, beat briefly. Fold in chocolate chips until evenly distributed.
Drop by small spoonfuls onto greased cookie sheet. Turn off oven. Put cookies in and forget about them until morning.

indy95, Dec 15, 5:55am
Thank you, I will give that a try.

cookiebarrel, Dec 15, 6:19am
Thank you for that also.Will still try them in the dehydrator as it would be usful if I wanted to make them and still keep the oven free for other baking or if baking other things at a higher temp.Would save me having to wait for the oven to cool down sufficiently.

lilyfield, Dec 15, 6:43am
they will be perfect in the dehydrator. When I was working I always dried off the meringues on top of the oven-- never baked them.

kuaka, Dec 15, 9:49am
Somewhere in amongst all my recipe books, I have a recipe for meringues which suggests that instead of cooking them in the oven, you just leave them overnight in the hot water cupboard to dry out.I've never tried it, but it is interesting.

cookiebarrel, Dec 15, 10:09am
I think I recall once hearing that mixing the sugar with the egg whites actually cooked them!Not sure where I heard this and it sounds a bit 'out there', but has anyone else heard of this.I see chefs using blow torches on the meringue with Lemon meringue pies and often think that this would only cook the top and not right through, so it doesn't seem that important as to how cooked they are.Just that you would want your meringues to stand up for a longer period and the texture is different.Will definatly try them in the dehydrator and come back to let you know how it works.Lillyfield how long would they have been on top of the oven!