
katje, Jul 17, 2:28am
we shoot our own actually. All you need is an airrifle

oshoman, Jul 17, 2:30am
Bought 1 at Farro Fresh last month. Aussie Butcher usually has them as well.

davidt4, Jul 17, 2:31am
Grey Lynn Butchers in Surrey Crescent, Aussie Butcher in Frost Road, Mt Roskill have frozen rabbit.I would think that Farro would have it too but I haven't actually bought any there.

pussy01, Jul 17, 9:30am
whakatane pak n save have them 4 $20.what a rip.a bullet is only 20c

elliehen, Jul 17, 10:58am
The most nutritious part must be the head.Our cat catches them, eats the head and then discards the rest ;)

beaker59, Jul 17, 3:25pm
Maybe the cat just quits when its a head.

beaker59, Jul 17, 3:26pm
teach the cat to gut them and skin them as well and you would have a very handy moggie.

ifonly, Jul 18, 12:58am
Actually 4 for $20 would be a great buy.Wish we could get that as rabbit is a really good feed.

beaker59, Jul 18, 2:04am
I think that poster meant for(4) rather than four.
$20 sounds about right as it would be imported domestic rabbit if we all started eating them then the price would drop quickly once an industry started here.

elliehen, Jul 18, 4:13am

strachs, Dec 13, 6:19pm
Can anyone tell me where I can buy rabbit in Auckland!

beaker59, Dec 13, 9:58pm
You do see them in some supermarkets and butchers otherwise try the gormet supermarkets like Nosh etc etc

wildflower, Dec 14, 2:07am
Just had to get rid of one this morning the cat killed ;)Was a bit undersized though.