
infinityjrc, Dec 13, 8:32am
Hi I was planning to buy one of these for Xmas and I wondered what they were like!New World has imported ones for $17 dollars, what are they like, are they more special than a fruit cake or loaf!

very_hotpants, Dec 13, 8:46am
they are like a manderia cake sometimes with a bit of almond flavour. i ahve always found them a bit sweet and dry.

cookessentials, Dec 13, 8:55am
More like a fruit bread. You can make your own. I have occasionally bought the Imported Italian ones from La Bella Italia, I like them, but they are not evryoes cup of tea.

nitronz, Dec 13, 8:58am

punkinthefirst, Dec 13, 10:25am
Google a recipe and try it for much less than $17.

fec2003, Dec 13, 11:00am
I love to use it as the base for a Christmassy flavoured Summer Pudding. Panetone is a bread, not a cake. It's nice toasted, buttered, with jam or without. It's quite verstaile. In Italy it is eaten for breakfast, with a strong cup of coffee. They just break pieces off and dip it into the coffee, slurping the soggy mess down with great gusto!

cookessentials, Dec 13, 6:12pm
$17 is pretty cheap for an imported one. You can spend $30 plus quite easily, depending on the size you want. You can get the disposable baking forms from the likes of Moore Wilson

dreamers, Dec 14, 1:10am
Love it lightly toasted with butter and a coffee .yum

uli, Dec 14, 1:12am
If you want to make one you need to use a "jumpy and fit" wheat sourdough to get the structure and the taste right.

You can do it with yeast - but it will not be the same - you will never get the rise and structure.

jen69, Dec 14, 3:26am
I make Pannetone in my breadmaker using the Brioche function. (panasonic breadmaker)I soak the dried fruit overnight or for a couple of days in rum. Also tastes really nice a couple of days old lightly toasted. Great flavour and you can taste the eggs and butter.Definitely special. Much cheaper than buying one!

uli, Dec 14, 5:53am
I am sure it is nice - but have you ever compared what the name implies in Italy!
It sure ain't the same thing :)

slaintewesties, Dec 14, 8:54am
countdown make own $9 but on special this week for $7.50

sarahb5, Dec 14, 8:59am
Panettone - derived from the Italian "panetto" meaning small loaf of bread

cookessentials, Dec 14, 9:07am
Traditional Lombardy pannetone is made with yeast (wild yeast) the process actually takes up to four days. It is enriched with butter, eggs, candied peel & raisins.

seniorbones, Dec 14, 10:10am
Ditto.u took the words right out of my mouth!

seniorbones, Dec 14, 10:12am
You can also get the at mediteranian (sp) warehouse, saw them there tonight and nearly got one but now cant remember the price! I will look again tomorrow

uli, Dec 15, 4:02am
The "wild yeast" (=sourdough) takes a bit longer than those 4 days to "catch" and then to "tame" before you start on the recipe - which then takes 4 days .