I have jars of bottled salmon in the preserver as I type. I have no manual for the machine. The jars are sitting on top of the trivet in a single layer, lids on and bands loosely on. Water is half way up the jars - is this correct? How long do I process for 4 - 5 hours and at what temperature? I would be so grateful if anyone can advise me.
Feb 2, 2:38am
bump anyone
Feb 2, 8:37pm
My Agee manual says #screw ring should be hand tight #water should cover the jars by one inch ALWAYS FILL PROCESSOR BEFORE TURNING ON (As you already have, melford) #Boiling method: turn thermostat to maximum temperature, plug in and switch on. Commence processing time from when the water is actually boiling. #Cold Water Method: turn thermostat to desired processing temperature, plug in three-pin plug and switch on. Commence processing time from when the preserver is switched on. FISH:Process at boiling point for 4 hours
I am a day late with this as I was not on the computer last night. Hope all went well.
Feb 2, 10:48pm
thank you so much. Weeeeeeell, they all sealed but I didn't cover the jars with water but instead put the water into the cooker until it came half way up the jars. The reason for that was last I was processing peaches the bottoms of the jars cracked and fell out! For the fish I processed at 180 for 4 hours. It didn't seem to simmer constantly so I was worried they wouldn't seal. Is there any chance I could get a photocopy of the manual please, of course I will pay all costs.
Jun 22, 2:12am
Where do I buy a preserver?
Feb 4, 8:50pm
For the syrup for all FRUIT such as peaches, apricots, etc i use:
1 cup sugar to 2 cups boiling water.
and i usually put the preserver of about 140 untill the fruit has risen from the bottom of the jar.
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