Match stick help please

caro25, Nov 30, 1:35am
Hello i am on my second try with these and would like to know if some one could help by telling me what i am doing wrong.I used ready rolled pastry cut into strips then spread the top with royal icing ,hmmmm but when i cook them the royal icing slides off the top and ends up side ways off the pastry, should i be pricking the pastry first ,thankyou so much in advance :)

krazy_kat, Nov 30, 2:23am
I have always used meringue on top - are you supposed to use royal icing!

maximus44, Nov 30, 4:49am
Not sure if you should bake royal icing. Someone else may know. Good luck.

kassie48, Nov 30, 5:16am
Never baked only ever tasted.

packet of puff pastry (use 2 sheets)
3/4 cup strawberry jam
300ml carton thickened cream
2 tablespoons icing sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla essence

For the pink icing:
2 cups icing sugar
2 tablespoons milk
1 tablespoon lemon juice
pink food colouring

For the white icing:
1/2 cup icing sugar
3 teaspoons lemon juice


Place pastry onto lightly greased rectangular oven trays and prick each with a fork. Bake in a moderately hot oven for 15 mins, or until pastry is golden and crisp. Let cool.

Spread jam evenly over flat side of one of the sheets of pastry.

Beat cream until soft peaks form. Stir in sifted icing sugar and essence; mix well. Spread cream over jam.

Spread pink icing over flat side of remaining pastry sheet. Spoon the white icing into a small piping bag. Pipe lines of white icing across 23cm width of pink icing at 4cm intervals. Draw a skewer along 30cm length of pink icing, at 4cm intervals in alternate directions to give a "feathered" effect. Place iced pastry on top of cream-covered pastry. Let stand for 15 mins, or until icing is set. Cut into 12 slices.

For the pink icing:
Combine sifted icing sugar, milk and juice in bowl, mix well, tint with colouring.

For the white icing:
Combine sifted icing sugar and juice in a bowl; mix well.

fifie, Nov 30, 8:26pm
Have never heard of these, used to make long skinny fingers with a crunchy shortcake like base and thin layer of meringue on top. Tell us more do you put a filling on one piece then a iced piece on top! or is it just pastry with a nice icing.

wheelz, Nov 30, 8:45pm
caro, what is your recipe!

caro25, Dec 1, 11:26pm
all you do is buy ready rolled pastery cut into strips the size of playing cards
then make royal icing and spread on the top of the pastery and cook at 200 for 15 - 20 minutes when cold slice in half and fill with fresh fruite and cream ,jam and cream

caro25, Dec 1, 11:28pm
royal icing is fine baked it just goes like a hard crunchie topping

lilyfield, Dec 1, 11:29pm
you cannot cook royal icing

caro25, Dec 1, 11:44pm
y not

mike547, Dec 1, 11:45pm
I make the same sort of thing, just cook the pastry then when cold ice with raspberry icing and fill with cream, fruits and cream if you want.A family favourite and always asked to make them

caro25, Dec 1, 11:48pm
yes my nana use to make them and a lady that my mum use to work for in a coffee shop and they always use royl icing on them and cooked it

robyn35, Dec 2, 1:06am
cook the pastry first and then add the royal icing or at least thats how we did them

sarahb5, Dec 2, 1:39am
So they're like mille feuille (sp) then!I just use glace icing when I've made them and it drizzles down the sides as well - yummy .