Sting Nettle is Edible - Right!

holly-rocks, Nov 26, 9:45pm
Yes it is.its full of iron. I have hippy friends who live on it lol. ( they generally just eat the tips )

harrislucinda, Nov 26, 10:06pm

mss2006, Nov 26, 10:29pm
Can you expand on that please!.

sossie1, Nov 26, 10:31pm
I read in a gardening supplement, that you can dry the leaves, powder,and put some in the hole where you plant tomatoes, and it acts as a natural feed for the plant.

lythande1, Nov 27, 12:30am
Nutrition Facts
Serving Size: 100g or 3.5oz

Amount Per Serving

42 Calories from Fat 1

% Daily Value*

Total Fat
0g 0%

Saturated Fat 0g ~

Trans Fat 0g

0mg ~

4mg 0%

Total Carbohydrate
7g 2%

Dietary Fiber 7g 28%

Sugars 0g


Vitamin A 40%·Vitamin C ~

Calcium 48%·Iron 9%

cuteviolet, Nov 27, 12:40am
Red Admiral butterflies (and other admirals) lay their eggs on it and the caterpillars eat it.

babytears, Nov 27, 1:26am
Mmmm looks good. got a recipe!

rainrain1, Nov 27, 1:32am
I dare you to eat it raw, no trimming allowed

lilyfield, Nov 27, 1:45am
We had to pick it during the war years. It was good free food. None growing around my home sadly.

elliehen, Nov 27, 2:25am
Two more Wild Plant recipes:


1/4 cup pine nuts
1/2 cup gorse flowers
1/2 cup cottage cheese
1/2 cup grated cheese
4 Tbsp thick cream
1/2 tsp dill seeds
1 tsp chopped parsley
1 tsp mixed herbs
1 Tbsp lemon juiice
black pepper & salt to taste

Blend the cream and cheeses with the rest of the ingredients adding the flowers last.Press in to a glass container lined with some of the gorse flowers for a decorative effect.Chill and top with 6 flower heads before placing on the table.


2 Tbsp butter
1 Tbspn mayonnaise
2 Tbspn thick cream
2 Tbsp cream cheese
3 hardboiled eggs
1 Tbsp chopped parsley
12 Nasturtium flowers
12 Nasturtium leaves
oil & vinegar dressing
salt & pepper to taste

Blend the chopped eggs with the butter, mayonnaise, cream and cheese, mixing with a wooden spoon.Add parsely, black pepper and salt.Spoon the mixture into the centre of each flower and press in firmly. Arrange the Nasturtium leaves on a platter and sprinkle with oil and vinegar.Place the stuffed flowers on the leaves around the outside of the platter.Fill the gap in the centre with any left-over mixture.Sprinkle with chopped walnuts to garnish.

Source: Old New Zealand Queenstown cookbook

mss2006, Nov 27, 4:09am
Happy to!

100g flour
100g butter
Chicken stock cube (my bad, I know)
Enough boiled water to make a a soup - 1 - 2 lt
2 Sliced Onions
As much chopped garlic as you like (For me - LOTS!)
200g Cooked bacon
2 Cups of frozen peas
Sugar to to taste

1 Bucket full of nettles (or if nettles not available use spinach or more peas)

1. Prepare the nettles by blanching in boiling water for 2 minutes then refresh in cold water.The nettles are now safe to handle without gloves.

2. Remove the leaves and side branches and discard the main stem. Squeeze out excess water and chop roughly.

3. In a large pot sauté the onions in the butter but don't brown.Add the garlic and cook out.

4. Add the flour and stir in and cook out without browning (3 minutes).

5. Slowly add the hot water and mix so lumps dont form (same as making a white sauce).Add the chopped bacon and stock cube, salt, pepper and sugar.

6. When enough water is added to make a good soup consistency bring to a simmer and cook for a few minutes (watch the soup does not catch on the bottom)

6. Add the nettles and peas and simmer for 10 minutes.

7. Liquidise the soup and run through a sieve to get rid of the fibrousmaterial.

8. Serve as you see fit and enjoy!

goddessartemis, Nov 27, 7:02am
The native Red and Yellow Admiral butterflies lay their eggs on nettle.Their caterpillars only eat nettle.

Nettle makes an interesting tea too.Cut it with gloves on, but as soon as it's cut (or very quickly thereafter) the prickles collapse.

babytears, Nov 29, 6:11am
Thanks. wil give it a gowhen I find some nettle :)