Mixing jellies

chooky, Nov 23, 4:41am
Hi, all you good cooks. Wanting to make a red jelly and a green jelly for xmas, but want to layer them in a shot glass. How do I without them mixing in together. Thanks in advance.

52many, Nov 23, 4:57am
When pouring the second jelly into the first jelly that has been set overnight, use the back of a teaspoon to let the next colour jelly run. Don't use hot jelly use warm jelly. Refrigerate and the the next day add the final colour. And I always use a jug to make and pour.

chooky, Nov 23, 5:11am
Many thanks, 52many. Just trying to get a bit organised for xmas.

duckmoon, Nov 23, 6:36am
I agree

I make traffic light jellys for the kids
I make the first colour and pour into the glasses and put into the fridge.Immediately make the second jelly and leave on the bench to cool.
When the first is set, then pour into the second. Ad immediately make the third colour

elliehen, Nov 23, 7:51am

chooky, Nov 23, 10:03am
Thanks elliehen for that post.Thanks duckmoon never made traffic lights either, my kids are abit past that, but my great neices arnt.

svce, Nov 23, 10:13am
you could always try te cold jellt packet . they are more expensive but fool proof. Great to make traffic lihjt. I think it only take 1 hour for the jeely to set and you only use cold water . they can be hard to find , pak n save doen t always sell the but woolworth tends to . Often make traffic light jelly for bbq or scoutsor kids gets together at school if I have enough warning . I use seethrough white plasctic glass and ask if they can be return or better go thwre and get them back . i wash them by hand then zap them in the dish washer .

cgvl, Nov 23, 10:18am
another you can make is called cut glass. Make up several different coloured jellies, let them set then chop into small pieces (not too small). Pile into a glass bowl or individual glasses and carefully pour over a jelly made from gelatine or a colour free one and leave to set. (make sure jelly has cooled though before pouring). A real treat to look at.

jag5, Nov 24, 1:05am
I do the cut glass ones.they look really neat in glasses.usually do 3 colours that stand out.

elliehen, Nov 24, 2:03am
On the subject of jellies, here's one for the kids (with an alternative version for zero carb adults).

3 envelopes Davis gelatine (3 Tbsp)
4 packets jellies
4 cups boiling water

Combine jellies and gelatine in a bowl. Add water and stir very well until dissolved. Pour into sponge roll size pan.Cool in refrigerator.When firm, cut into small squares (kids can use cookie cutters).

Alternative version: Use sugar-free jellies

This recipe is known in the US as 'Knox Blox' from the US brand equivalent of 'Davis'.

duckmoon, Nov 24, 9:44am
Traffic light jellys have three layers.

Green on the bottom, orange in the middle. And red on the top.

Like a traffic light