Popping candy

wise_one, Nov 2, 6:28am
it was used on master chef where do you buy it please.

phoenix10111, Nov 2, 7:08am
only place I've seen it since being back in NZ is in British specialist shops, the ones that sell UK sweets. I chef I worked with here in NZ wanted to do desserts with it in too, but I think he had trouble sourcing it. I presume it was some sort of dessert you wanted to make!

babytears, Nov 2, 7:12am

babytears, Nov 2, 7:13am
201 Sandwich Road
Bryant Park
New Zealand

Phone: 07 850 1273
Email: [email protected]

socram, Nov 2, 7:27am
I think in the UK it was first marketed as Space Dust.

shop-a-holic, Nov 2, 7:57am
I found some on my last trip to Melbourne and bought the whole lot. It's been quite sucessful in folding into cream before lavishing coating a pav. Happy to send you some sachets.

kuaka, Nov 2, 10:51am
I remember my mum sending some to my kids when they were little, it would have been not long after we came to NZ back in the '70s.It was weird stuff.I'd long since forgotten about it.

nik12, Nov 2, 11:19am
You can buy it in the 24 hour dairy in Winton!I love it lol.
Check out the lolly section in the dairy's near you.

elliehen, Nov 2, 10:13pm
I read the thread heading 'popping candy' as you might read 'popping pills' ;)

southerngurl, Nov 2, 10:36pm
anyone whose in Dunedin. Granny Annies in the mall sells it.

also the Lollieshop in Invers, across the road from H&J's. they have it too.

nik12, Nov 3, 10:59am
Granny Annies lol, is that what it's called in Dunedin! Was Annies in Winton and they sold Grannies fudge etc. cunning plan!

southerngurl, Nov 3, 11:35am
yeahshe came from down there :)
she's at the top of the mall
and theres another fudge place in the golden centre as well