Creamy mayo in whizz can anyone help

roundtop, Nov 8, 5:56am
I want to make a real easy creamy mayo!

pickles7, Nov 8, 7:03am
whole egg mayonnaise

1 whole egg
juice of 1 lemon
1 teaspoon whole grain mustard
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
150 mils of sunflower oil
150 mils of canola oil
You will need a stick blender and a tall beaker to make this mayonnaise.
Put the egg into the beaker first
Put the other ingredients carefully on top of the egg, so as not to disturb the egg.
Lower the stick blender in to the bottom without disturbing the ingredients.
Pulse the blender, until the ingredients start to emulsify, tilt the blender to allow the oil to be incorporated.

roundtop, Nov 8, 4:11pm

uli, Nov 9, 1:07am
Great pic pickles

carlosjackal, Nov 9, 1:51am
This recipe for "SPEEDY MAYO" from Annabel Langbein's latest book "Simple Pleasures" demystifies mayo once and for all - just whizz it up and it emulsifies in seconds:

*2 eggs
*3 tbsp lemon juice
*1 tsp dijon mustard
*1/2 tsp salt
*a good pinch of white pepper
*1¼ cups neutral oil

Place all ingredients in a narrow bowl or jug and whizz with a wand mixer (this is the key - it won't work in a food processor because it needs the speed of the wand to make it emulsify).

It will thicken at once to create a creamy mayonaise.

Add ¼ cup more neutral oil if desired to create a thicker mayo or a little hot water to give a thinner consistency.

Speedy Mayo will keep for 2 weeks in a jar in the fridge.

propagator, Nov 9, 2:49am
pickles7, I made this recipe today but it wouldn't thicken.I ended up whipping up another egg and then adding original recipe very slowly to it.
I did this in 5cm of hot water in the sink to keep everything warm. It is certainly a lot thicker but I would have like it to be of piping consistently.Any ideas!

roundtop, Nov 9, 2:56am
I made it today and it was awesome! I only used sunflower oil as thats all i had.I gave it a real twist and added some Wasabi. It was good thats for that

davidt4, Nov 9, 3:01am
Whole egg mayo will never thicken enough to pipe.You need to make classic mayo with egg yolks only.Here's a basic recipe - use less lemon juice, and add a couple of tsp of Dijon mustard to the yolks for an eventhicker result.

Mayonnaise (basic)

3 egg yolks
300 ml extra virgin olive oil
juice of 1 - 2 lemons
freshly ground pepper (preferably white)

All ingredients need to be at room temperature.

Whisk the egg yolks (use a hand whisk, or an electric whisk or a small food processor) until well blended and starting to thicken.Very gradually trickle in the oil, keep whisking and when you have added about a third of the oil it should be starting to thicken.As it thickens you can increase the rate at which you add the oil.

When it gets very thick add the juice of one lemon, this will thin it down.Add salt and pepper, continue to add the oil until you have a very thick mayonnaise.

Taste and adjust with more seasoning or lemon juice if it needs it.If it tastes too eggy it needs more salt.

You can vary this basic mayo by adding Dijon mustard or fresh garlic, chopped herbs, chopped capers, gherkins or anchovies.

propagator, Nov 9, 3:18am
Thanks for that davidt4.I did wonder about using only yolks but I am not fussy on the eggy flavour.Using more salt is a good tip.I'll be trying this recipe next time.Thanks again.

nauru, Nov 9, 4:07am
This is an easy mayo to make, an Alison Holst recipe
1 egg
1/2 teasp salt
1/2 teasp sugar
2 tablsp vinegar
1 teasp dijon mustard
1 cup oil

Put egg, salt,sugar, vinegar and mustard in a goblet and whiz with stick mixer until mixed together. Now drizzle half in oil while a little at a time while still mixing, this will start to thicken.Add rest of oil a little quicker until mixture is quite smooth and thick.Store in fridge.
I use half quantity of vinegar as find full amount is too sharp for our taste.
You can also do this in a proccessor or blender if you don't have a stick mixer.

malcovy, Nov 9, 5:10am
No need to put in hot water just have everything at room temp.I would use less oil to get it thicker.

buzzy110, Nov 9, 5:18am
I find that the more oil I add the thicker it gets and that is even whisking it by hand. To thin it down I add more drops of lemon juice or vinegar - whatever acid I am using.

As a matter of interest, it is rather easy to do with a whisk as well. All you need to do is ensure that the egg, lemon juice and seasoning are whisked well and are going pale before you start adding the oil, one drop at a time.

I have discovered that it takes just as much time to whisk by hand as it does to whizz, scrape it out of the whizz bowl and clean the gadget up. Do it by hand and all you have to do is wash a whisk.

davidt4, Nov 9, 5:23am
That's not the case.Mayo is an emulsion of oil and egg yolks and it gets thicker and thicker the more oil you put in.Once the emulsion has been achieved you can add an almost unlimited quantity of oil -Harold McGee (food scientist) tested this and was able to add an enormous quantity of oil without the mayo splitting.I can't remember the exact amount but it was something like 2 litres of olive oil to two egg yolks.

bedazzledjewels, Nov 9, 5:53am
Thanks for this tip. Much as I love eggs, I don't like eggy tasting mayo,

malcovy, Nov 9, 8:08am
Freaking gremlims I blame them.In my head I was writing 'I would use more oil to get it thick' and my fingers wrote opposite.I worked with a lovely man who had had a stroke and every day he had to compose two sentences in his diary.In his head he knew exactly what he wanted to write but when he put pen to paper the words he wrote did not match up with the sentence he wanted to write.Nothing to do with making mayo though.

pickles7, Nov 9, 8:20pm
could be related to eating it, lol.