Half defrosted whitebait - ok to refreeze!

beebs, Nov 8, 8:15pm
i have purchased some whitebait off here, and with their good feedback i was relaxed that it would be all good, the bait has gone everywhere in nz with no issues re staying frozen, my bait arrived this morning, and most of the packets are soft (not totally unfrozen) and pliable and able to be moved and bent, is this still ok to refreeze and then eat!Seller says it is fine.

lilyfield, Nov 8, 8:32pm
I would-as I am not a hypochondriac and never had food poisoning in spite of all against the grain advice

nfh1, Nov 8, 8:33pm
I would not - I am not a hypochondriac but have had food poisoning - believe me you do not want to get it twice!

Just the thought that it may be off is more than enough to put me off!.

beebs, Nov 8, 8:34pm
thanks, that is my gut instinct also

pericles, Nov 8, 8:35pm
i reckon, freeze it

buzzy110, Nov 8, 8:41pm
I'd probably refreeze it based on the fact that it is probably still cold enough to inhibit run away bacterial growth. BUT, I wouldn't completely defrost it when it came time to use it. Timing will be critical and the fish should not come to room temperature.

beaker59, Nov 8, 9:47pm
Food poisoning won't be an issue, however fish really doesn't take to freezing thawing and then refreezing well it tends to go a bit mushy and loose that nice texture which is a key to whitebait fritters.