Gallbladder removal recovery what foods!

courtney2004, Oct 30, 8:29am
My father has had his gallbladder out last Tuesday and it was not by key hole but hes not really into drinking lots and lots of water etc but the main question is what foods are good for him at this stage! Hes got alot of inside pain and the bruising is coming out so it has to be somewhat interesting to get him to eat it. I am prepared to cook/prepare anything for him at this stage but nothing heavy. The last two nights he has had icecream and peaches as heonly wants something light but its the lunches and dinner is the issue food wise

brish, Oct 30, 8:37am
I don't think you need to worry too much about what to let him eat.Be guided by what he wants to eat.Keep fats low until he recovers, but if it was an abdominal operation rather than keyhole surgery, he'll just need time to recover like any other invalid.Will he eat scrambled eggs!Or maybe mashed root vegetables seasoned well with a poached egg on top.Rice pudding may appeal.Chicken soup is the standby invalid food, and would suit for lunches.You could also make smoothies with low fat milk, keeping to bananas rather than berry fruits.

courtney2004, Oct 30, 8:57am
Sweet thanks for those ideas. I am sure he will like rice pudding! He is on an stomach acid reducer so thinking nothing to acidy etc and recipes that appeal hes not a big fan of anything but steak and chips but trying to dish him up foods that are presented in different formats is what we are trying to do. I was thinking of making pumpkin soup etc

brish, Oct 30, 9:01am
If he wants meat, you could try a little mince (prime beef to avoid too much fat) and mashed potato.Pumpkin soup should be fine.

courtney2004, Oct 30, 9:05am
I guess its just making sure not to much seasoning is used etc not like a stir fry or a curry

245sam, Oct 30, 9:51am
courtney2004, I too have had my gall bladder removed - a good number of years ago and thankfully by key-hole surgery, so my very best wishes to your Dad for a speedy recovery but in the meantime I agree with basically all of the above advice/suggestions and from my own experience I advise avoiding pig meats (pork, bacon), anything fatty or oily, and as you already have indicated, anything acidy - especially I advise avoiding oranges and grapefruit, but if your Dad would like to try some fish, a light sprinkling of lemon or lime juice should be ok.For now I agree that you should steer clear of serving anything with too much seasoning or hot-spiciness.If your Dad is a 'red-meat man' I think brish's suggestion of lean mince and mashed potatoes would be great, otherwise I suggest steamed or poached chicken or fish and steamed vegetables but go easy on things such as onions, cabbage, etc. - a digestive system full of wind is one of the last things that your Dad needs when his 'insides' are already so tender.I'm not sure re pumpkin soup as pumpkin was one of the worst vegetables for me and on more than one occasion it seemed to go straight through me almost as soon as I had finished the meal but your Dad may be ok - if he likes/enjoys pumpkin soup, maybe try serving him just a small portion but both constipation and diarrhoea need to be avoided because of the discomfort that either can cause even for anyone who is otherwise well and not coping with post-op pain, etc.

Again, my best wishes - once your Dad is over this current rough patch and he is healed he should be able to eat all or most things.

Hope that helps.:-))

cautis, Oct 30, 7:21pm
Thanks for posting this thread.I got out of hospital yesterday and have been told I need to have mine out soon.No date yet though.And they weren't able to tell me anything except 'avoid fatty foods'.I'll be watching this with interest!

courtney2004, Oct 30, 7:40pm
Best of luck for you. I totally hope if its key hole it goes well and if its the little cut one I hope that its a little cut the surgeron has just gone crazy on dads hes got a massive cut from one side to the other. Was given no advise kicked out after 3days and he lasted 15mins at his granddaughters 2nd birthday yesterday and we in the end got him home as he looked like he could have passed out! Make sure you have plans in place to assist like for us dad was like "dont worry" etc before the operation that he was going to be home for 2 days then back to work now he goes everywhere etc in NZ for work and we dont see him being back at work within a few weeks at this point. I also have to say he has no drains in and they say the 3rd day is the worse so plez make sure you stay in for that as its when the body goes into shock sort of thing.

245sam, Oct 30, 8:28pm
courtney2004, I'm so sorry that your Dad has had and is having such a rough time - were there some complicating factors that have contributed to this being so awful for him!
To reassure you cautis, my experience was so very different - I was admitted to hospital (private) at 7a.m. (Monday) and had the key-hole surgery about 9 a.m. I had a cut, approx. 1" long, in my tummy button area, then 3-4 other small (each about ½") cuts around my mid-riff area.Because of the pain relief that I was given I felt nauseous around tea/dinner time that night but that was short-lived and after having the drain removed I left hospital the next day at 10 a.m.
It was a short working week for my DH because it wasanniversary/Chch Show week so we went away, on the Thursday, with our caravan to a Caravan Club rally for the long weekend. It was a very lazy laid back weekend for me with DH and other Club Members keeping a close watch on me that I didn't do anything foolish like lifting anything of significant weight but apart from sleeping propped up, as opposed to lying down, I was able to enjoy the weekend and make some contribution to meal prep and other things that needed to be done.

Again, my best wishes to your Dad courtney2004 and all the best for your pre and post op time cautis - I hope your situation is resolved soon.:-))

245sam, Oct 31, 8:28pm
courtney2004, I'm so sorry that your Dad has had and is having such a rough time - were there some complicating factors that have contributed to this being so awful for him!
To reassure you cautis, my experience was so very different - I was admitted to hospital (private) at 7a.m. (Monday) and had the key-hole surgery about 9 a.m. I had a cut, approx. 1" long, in my tummy button area, then 3-4 other small cuts (each about ½") around my mid-riff area.Because of the pain relief that I was given I felt nauseous around tea/dinner time that night but that was short-lived and after having the drain removed I left hospital the next day at 10 a.m.
It was a short working week for my DH because it wasanniversary/Chch Show week so we went away, on the Thursday, with our caravan to a Caravan Club rally for the long weekend. It was a very lazy laid back weekend for me with DH and other Club Members keeping a close watch on me that I didn't do anything foolish like lifting anything of significant weight but apart from sleeping propped up, as opposed to lying down, I was able to enjoy the weekend and make some contribution to meal prep and other things that needed to be done.

Again, my best wishes to your Dad courtney2004 and all the best for your pre and post op time cautis - I hope your situation is resolved soon.:-))