Lots of avocado

uli, Jan 15, 4:52am
bump for cautis

jimbob37, Oct 21, 7:01am
I have about 5 avo's at the moment - ripening at different stages.I love avo's, but interested in new ideas for what to do with them.I love them simply on toast, or in a sandwich, or as guacamole.but give me your ideas!

uli, Oct 21, 7:33am
Avocado Chocolate Mousse

2 ripe avocados,
1 to 3 tablespoons sugar or honey (to taste)
1/4 cup unsweetened cacao powder
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
pinch of salt

Process the avocados until smooth. Add the rest of the ingredients and blend again until everything is combined. Add more or less honey according to your taste. Chill for at least 2 hours before serving.

uli, Oct 21, 7:36am

motorbo, Oct 21, 7:41am
i agree the choccy mousse is yum and you dont need cacao powder you can use cocoa powder

Avocado chocolate mousse
½ cup of honey, use a mild runny honey
½ up of water
2 med ripe avocados
1 tsp vanilla
¼ tsp cinnamon, do not use more than this
½ cup of good cocoa powder
Juice of ½ small lemon

Blend all together in food processor, keeps in the fridge for up to 10 days

jimbob37, Oct 21, 7:41am
Really!That sounds really odd.Hmmmmm.Not sure I'm brave enough for that!

uli, Oct 21, 7:45am
I do it all the time when I have more than 2 avos ready at the same time.
Be brave!

bunny51, Oct 21, 7:48am
Does the mousse taste like avocado! Or cocolate mousse like! (sking before I make it and offer to the avocado hating small ones LOL)

motorbo, Oct 21, 7:48am
when i make mine no one knows its made with avo`s cos it tastes just like the real deal

bunny51, Oct 21, 7:49am
Really! I might have to try it and not tell them Hehe

pickles7, Oct 21, 7:51am

jimbob37, Oct 21, 8:17am
Then why waste an avocado on it!I think I'd rather just make chocolate mousse, and use my avocados in a savoury dish.I'm a bit funny like that though - don't like fruit in my salads (ie pieces of orange etc), or fruit in my savoury dishes.Stick savoury with savoury, and sweet with sweet.

greerg, Oct 21, 10:43pm
According to the Avocado Council mashed avocao freezes really well so I plan to try when they're cheap so my guacomole-loving sons can hvae some when the season is over.

uli, Oct 21, 11:19pm
Because otherwise the avos WILL be wasted. Cause I for one cannot eat 3 or 4 in a day in a savoury dish :) The mousse however disappears very quickly around here - even though I eat hardly more than a spoonful.

And no - it doesn't taste like a "real" chocolate mousse. Because there is no whipped cream in it. But it doesn't taste at all like avocado.

daleaway, Oct 21, 11:31pm
I had avocado icecream in Bali and it was nice.
Plenty of recipes for it online .

antoniab, Oct 22, 2:30am
Ive made avocado choccy mousse before and I didnt like it - it tasted like avos mixed with coco powder. Maybe I didnt make it right but I dont want to waste another lot of avos on it.

chooky, Oct 22, 12:09pm
I use a tin of salmon, cream cheese, avacado. Mix altogether, add a little lemon juice, great spread for sandwiches or a snack on crackers.

frances1266, Oct 22, 7:43pm
Guacamole is good.you can made a salad dressing from avocado.
Anyone tried freezing them!

tarshlove, Oct 23, 9:54am
Just use it on toast in the morning, on salad or crackers at lunch then salad or Guacamole for dinner :o)