HI.I bought some whitebait.Now What!

nzbrat, Oct 14, 2:44am
Im not sure what the mixture is for patties.I know you guys will tell me lol thanks in advance :) I love this thread.

darlingmole, Oct 14, 2:48am
the only one I know of is where you simply add them to an already beaten egg . it's such a delicate taste eh!You could may be search it in the keyword and look in "past year" and see how you go (yeah, I love recipes too!)

nzbrat, Oct 14, 2:55am
lol I dont want to ruin them they are sooo expensive.bought them for something different, getting sick of over priced meat so I thought id try over priced fish instead. When I got them home I thought mmm what do I do with them now.

fifie, Oct 14, 3:05am
Whitebait Fritters.
2 egg whites, 1 cup whitebait, 1 heaped teaspoon flour, 1/2 teaspoon salt, lemon juice if you have it.1 teaspoon oil, tablespoon butter.
Beat whites to a soft peak. Gently fold in flour,salt and whitebait till all mixed. In a frying pan heat oil and butter drop dessertspoonfuls into pan and fry till golden, turn cook other side till all puffed up and cooked. Serve immediatelyout of pan with a drizzle of lemon juice over the top if you want.Enjoy !

grumpycow, Oct 14, 3:39am
It depends how much you have I cook mine with just enough egg to make it hold together while I cook it and only cook it in butter stir it till the yolks mixed and cook it in what ever sized fritters I feel like have a kilo ready for tonight so will be bigger fritters

pickles7, Oct 14, 5:00am
I prefer more flour myself. I am not keen on the egg, over taking the the flavour of the whitebait.
It is very addictive catching the little blighters, my largest catch to date is, 4.5 kg. More fun than eating them.lol.

creek, Oct 14, 6:49am
for 11b whitebait I beat 2 egg whites till stiff drop in yolks 1 tablesp flour .half teaspoon of baking soda quick beat then drop whitebait in and stir cook patties in small lot of oil
good old westcoast recipe

kuaka, Oct 14, 7:15am
11b ! is that supposed to be 1 lb! or ! I can't for the life of me think what you mean other than one pound of whitebait - please correct me if I've got it wrong.

camper18, Oct 14, 8:34pm
Had them for tea last night.I beat 3 egg whites until stiff then the yolks til thick and creamy . Combine the two with salt and pepper and add the whitebait about ½ kg . Drop large tblsp's into hot oil /butter and cook until golden both sides.(only takes a minute or two.) Serve immediately with or without lemon juice and enjoy. ( I never add flour and they puff up well)

creek, Oct 16, 7:21am
ye it is one pound of whitebait

craig04, Oct 16, 10:22am
I personally prefer more egg white and less yolk - I separate the eggs and just add 1 yolk to 2 whites, milder flavour and you can taste the delicate whitebait flavour much better. I never add anything else, fry in butter and serve - YUMMO!

pickles7, Oct 16, 10:36am
We were talking about the best way to cook whitebait, at bowls the other day. Just like in here everyone has "the" perfect recipe, when some bright spark said .
Well ! the last time "Jamie" came for dinner was, the time he gave us that recipe.
I said you dirty name dropper you, I had the F'n cook put his shoes under my. well bowls flew all over the place.

danandhan, Oct 17, 6:35am
Anyone know where in Auckland I can get some whitebait!

sultana0, Oct 22, 8:06am
Mmmmhhh I had whitebait fritters, oysters, a couple of butter fried egg and toast for breakie this morning (thought I'd let ya know) mwahahaha

rainrain1, Oct 22, 8:23am
well we had trout for lunch and ribeye steak for teamwahahahaha

baitcatcher, Oct 22, 8:55am
Hi pickles7
Ive being catching whitebait for 40 years,your right it is very addictive catching them,you did will with your 4.5kg. i caught just over 5kg on thursday.