Does anyone know if you

coolkat11, Oct 13, 2:17am
can get a gluten free worchester sauce and what brand is it!

jessie981, Oct 13, 4:25am
Isn't Lea & Perrins!

oramac, Oct 13, 4:30am
I just checked both Lea & Perrins and Homebrand bottles. Neither would appear to contain gluten.

pickles7, Oct 13, 4:35am

pickles7, Oct 13, 4:41am
There is nothing Original about the, Le & Perrins Worcestershire Sauce, you buy these days. Most sites I looked at, said the Original recipe, is gluten free.You would hope it is still gluten free, all the same.

lythande1, Oct 13, 5:33am
Gluten is found in flour products.

coolkat11, Oct 13, 9:20pm
Ive checked le and perrins and it has gluten in it.I dont have it but maybe its the 150c colouring if you are reading the ingreds and it doesnt say any wheatproducts.I am new to going gluten free (my 7 yr old is celiac) and have found out that 150c is a hidden gluten

coolkat11, Oct 13, 9:29pm
Thank you pickles7.Have just written the recipe down.

pickles7, Oct 13, 9:31pm
150c! could it be a, thickening agent, as well.coolkat11 . Everything we buy these days need to be looked at very carefully as far as "special diets go" in particular. The consequences are huge, for those on special diets. Often a thickening agent will creep in to cut the costs of reducing the ingredients. PROFIT being lost, in the steam.

sarahb5, Oct 14, 12:51am
Why don't you ask them!According to the website though it is still gluten free and having checked the ingredients on the website there does not appear to be any hidden gluten

sarahb5, Oct 14, 12:52am
The Lea & Perrins website says its gluten free - I think by "original" they simply mean that Lea & Perrins were the original makers of Worcestershire Sauce, probably in Worcester

pickles7, Oct 14, 1:12am
They were not the original makers at all.sarahb5.they were hired to try and sort out what, made up the Original sauce recipe.

sarahb5, Oct 14, 1:23am
Which was an Indian recipe - so that makes them the original makers of "Worcestershire" sauce because its nowhere near Bengal and probably nothing like the sauce sampled there originally which inspired Worcestershire sauce

pickles7, Oct 14, 4:43am
IT was my recipe from another life, they copied it. I have shared it.

######### Pickles Worcestershire sauce###########

Finished recipe.9 X 750 mil bottles.

8 liters of malt vinegar ,
25 grams of whole cloves
2 kg apples ,
2 oranges ,
2 lemons ,
500 grams of garlic ,
500 grams of fresh ginger ,
110 grams of tamarind puree ,
1 near rotten banana ,
500 grams of molasses ,
25 grams of gr. black pepper ,
3 tsp cayenne pepper ,
1 kg brown sugar ,
225 grams of sea salt.
Simmer for three hours , strain through a sieve , then hang the pulp in a cotton cloth to extract all the for fruit flies.
Bottle , cork , and store in a cool place.
near rotten banana was only put in because it was sitting on my bench.

antoniab, Oct 14, 5:18am
Not always true - some soya sauce have gluten in them them (never knew that till a couple of weeks ago, as a friend that is gluten free informed me) :)

pickles7, Oct 14, 6:15am
Tamari soy sauce (this is just made with soy, no wheat)

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I guess it doesn't matter what you read on the net, it is up to us, the consumer, to read every label. So often things you find on the net are loaded 10 or more years, ago.

jynx66, Oct 14, 9:13am
Here's the food additives code breaker for anyone interested. Incidentally, I can't see a 150c there, but 150 is caramel, that would be used to darken the Worcestershire Sauce.

Scroll down the page to the second set of info to determine which foods contain a particular additive.