
bev00, Sep 2, 9:12am
Melt 80 grams butter and then add -
3/4 cup milk
2 eggs
1/2 cup warm water
1 Tablespoon sugar
pinch salt
2 cups Self raising flour (or 2 cups flour + 2 1/2 tsp BP)
Tried lots and these are the best. Make sure waffle maker is really hot before starting and spray with heaps of non stick cooking spray. YUM

Quoteguardy (147 )11:28 am, Thu 1 Sep #6
I use this one from the AWW:
1 3/4 C plain flour
1/4 C self-raising flour
1/4 C castor sugar
2 eggs, separated
1 1/2 C milk
60g butter, melted
2 T water

Sift flours and sugar, gradually stir in combined egg yolks and milk, then butter and water, stir until smooth. Beat egg whites until soft peaks form, fold into mixture in 2 batches. I use about 1/2 C mixture per waffle in my breville maker.

(I don't usually use regular flour and self-raising, just regular flour and a bit of baking powder. Also, regular sugar seems to work ok.)

They seem crispy enough. If you are putting them in the oven to keep warm, don't put them in a pile, but lay them out flat on a rack instead

duckmoon, Sep 2, 9:25am
How many people are you cooking for.

I have five waffle makers for moments like this.


bombaloo, Oct 11, 4:50am
How are waffles generally served for breakfast! Im thinking of having them at an event we are running soon but I dont just want them with whipped cream and maple syrup. Any ideas!

drofla.aviaries, Oct 11, 4:51am
We like ours with banana, bacon and maple syrup.

bombaloo, Oct 11, 7:31am
Thanks - might try them :)

ralta, Oct 11, 8:05am
whipped cream, maple syrup & fruit.Tinned peaches are nice or make up a sauce with frozen berries.Some people prefer them with jam or jam & cream.They are also nice with bacon & maple syrup.

cgvl, Oct 11, 9:48am
mmmm I like mine as drofla.aviaries suggested.
or DH had them like this one xmas at a restuarant with bacon, poached eggs and hollandaise sauce, was scrummy too but not always practical for a crowd

punkinthefirst, Oct 11, 10:01am
For waffles for a crowd.
Cook enough waffles to a just underdone stage and put them in the freezer. They toast beautifully in a toaster, or under the grill in the oven.
with fresh or canned fruit and whipped cream or yoghurt
with butter or whipped cream and jam
with bacon and maple syrup and bananas
with bacon, poached egg and hollandaise sauce
or leave out a selection of toppings and let people help themselves.

duckmoon, Oct 12, 8:00am
Personally, i hate waiting for the waffles.

So I own three , yes three, waffle makers.
To solve that problem.

See if you can borrow one from a friend , or two

amm5, Oct 12, 8:01am
I have tried to do that,put them in the freezer, doesn't work,( Probably becasue the cave dwellers find them and eat them all)Oh well

coreblimey, Oct 12, 8:45am
For christmas one year I did gingerbread waffles which I made well in advance and froze.Warmed them under the grill and served with grilled peaches and yummy cream.My SIL made the traditional cream with marscapone cheese and cream etc that we usually make for Tiramisu.They were DIVINE!

sarahj1, Oct 12, 7:37pm
OMG I have found my Christmas morning breakfast! Thankyou!any links to gingerbread waffle recipe!

bombaloo, Oct 12, 9:36pm
Great ideas - thanks. I have access to maybe 5 waffle machine things so will probably have enough to make them as needed. Might make up about 10 times the mixture to save making too many small batches. If I do make in advance and freeze would I put baking paper between the layers to seperate!

coreblimey, Oct 12, 11:47pm
Sorry, I don't have it but it just came of the interweb so google is your friend :)

sarahj1, Oct 13, 9:16am
Yup, 939,000 recipes to be exact.including waffle-recipe.com.Will start with Rachel Ray's and take it from there.
Re making ahead of time and freezing them: our family are big waffle eaters and we always have a few frozen leftovers.We just let them cool on a rack then bag them - you could put greaseproof in between if you wanted to be sure but I've never had trouble with them sticking.
Then, depending on numbers, either throw them straight in the toaster (frozen) for a short burst- watch to see they don't burn.
Or microwave them - makes them a little soft rather than crispy but some people prefer that.
For greater numbers, let them thaw then give them a burst on a tray in a hot oven - again not too long as you just want to warm them, not let them dry out.Have done lots for birthday brunches like this.