What herbs and essential trees do you have.

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lyl_guy, Oct 11, 8:47am
Yes, we have quite a lot of flowering plants, and bees. although not as many in the last couple of years for some reason.I'll look into the feeding though, thanks!I'm starting to think we bought a 'sterile' tree, lol, which will never fruit.It looks very healthy, anyway.

davidt4, Oct 10, 3:49am
Marjoram is very tolerant in the garden and is great with eggs, cheese, Middle eastern dishes.French tarragon is my favourite herb, and garden centres in Auckland should be getting it in this week.

I cook a lot of Indian and SE Asian food, so I make good use of our curry leaf tree and kaffir lime tree.For the same reason we have lemongrass, Thai basil, galangal and Vietnamese mint in the garden.All of these plants grow well in Auckland and don't seem to mind the cold in winter.

As for trees - I like the Flying Dragon brand of dwarf citrus; they fruit very well and don't take up too much space.We have a blood orange called Sanguinella and it has beautiful fragrant flowers and a heavy crop.Our dwarf Seville orange fruited well but we gave it away when we stopped eating marmalade.

edited to add:don't forget about basil!It's in the garden centres now.I prefer the ordinary sweet basil with medium sized leaves - I think it has a better flavour than all the novelty varieties.

bev00, Oct 10, 11:23am
What a wonderful thread!
My orchard provides an on going bounty of pears (3 different varieties) 2 apples, citrus, feijoa, 2 peach trees. A lemon verbena tree for herbal teas.Most other herbs includ Bay are grown in pots to protect them from freeranging chooks. And then theres the edible garden.

trah, Oct 10, 7:39pm
Re trees:I've got a navel orange, mandarin. lemon, lemonade, gala apple, granny smith apple, feijoas, a big, persimmon (sweet). Blueberries.This year I would like to plant a tamarillo tree - am researching varieties on that one.

olwen, Oct 10, 8:05pm
Pine nuts take a l-o-n-g time, and grow to a huge tree. I have one down the back of my place and I've had nothing from it.I think you might have to climb it to harvest the cones (I think they are a lot bigger than radiata),then you have to get the nuts out.No wonder pine nuts cost a fortune.

buzzy110, Oct 11, 3:39am
I cannot help you with the limes. I have a kaffir lime tree. It is in the most inhopitable place and with soil only about 500cms in depth. It is dehydrated for most of summer and only gets about 2 dustings of citrus food a year. It confounds me every year by being laden with little limes. And I don't even like the limes. davidt4 said she does something with the limes but I have forgotten what it is. The tree has never grown very tall but is very healthy with dense, dark green foliage. Just the luck of the draw I guess.

Ask in gardening. Some guru may know, or if you are lucky, uli will drop by. Her advice is always best, in my experience.

dreamers, Oct 11, 4:42am
I have never fed myTahitian lime and it is laden every year,sometimes giving 2 cropsa year.It is in a sheltered,reasonably warm area.

seniorbones, Oct 11, 9:10am
me neither, I keep thinking I must feed it, its not even in a sheltered spot! But not too windy, the only food it gets is when I let the chooks free range and they poop under it!

seniorbones, Oct 11, 9:14am
gosh what a lot of work you have done to create this gorgeousgarden. Makes me very envious. No wonder you can grow all on the list, living in the winterless north :-)

carlosjackal, Oct 17, 1:05am
Almond, pear, apple, plum, grapefruit, mandarin, tangerine and nectarine and a Bay tree.

Parsley, fennel, rosemary, mint and lemon thyme year round.Coriander, dill, basil and chives throughout summer.

fifie, Oct 17, 3:02am
Lovely garden Fisher, well done, am envious see i live in the wrong end of paradise.

taurus2005, Oct 17, 3:46am
lemon tree, curry leaf plant, parsley, lemon grass, mint, rosemary.

antoniab, Oct 17, 5:18am
Flat leaf parsley, sage, 3 types of thyme, chives, garlic chives, 2 types of oregano (one spicy one), pineapple sage, mint, coriander, basil, summer savoury, fennel, rosemary. Only tree I have in the ground is a lemon as werent and I dont want to spend too much $ on trees.
I want tarragon but dont have any :(

uli, Oct 17, 6:12am
Of what!

ruby19, Oct 17, 7:49am
We have thyme, basil, rosemary, mint,a lemon tree, kaffia lime tree, a compact apple tree, fejoas, olives, passion fruit, blackberries,strawberry plants (just managed to beat the birds to an early strawberry last week :-) ')
Gosh listing them makes me realise we have quite a bit of edible plants going on in the garden.
We have tomatoes plants ready to go, will get courgettes.
I would like to try eggplants again this year last year plants died.

fisherlures, Oct 17, 7:57pm
Cookessentials.you mentioned lemonbalm tea.as you know it grows like wildfire and is there anything special you have to do to make the tea.
proportions etc.!