Bayleaves-reuse or toss out!

minn1, Oct 10, 2:18am
I'v never really thought about it much before, but I'v just cooked up meat for a pie,and the 2 bayleafs in the mix are still all fine,not broken up as sometimes happens, and I just wondered.can I wash and dry them out on a paper towel and reuse them.or do they lose their 'punch'!
many thanks :)

pericles, Oct 10, 2:20am
I would think they are finished

harrislucinda, Oct 10, 2:33am
cantbethathardupifyouwanttousetheleafagainthrowawayTheyare,ntthatdear,doyouuseatbag again!/

davidt4, Oct 10, 2:44am
Throw them away for goodness' sake.

minn1, Oct 10, 2:46am
oh very funny, not that at all, I was just asking a genuine question,have always thrown them out, but as I said.just wondered this time,if thats what was 'done' or it was only me. Simple question, -and thanks pericles,thats what I thought too.Off to make a cuppa :p

cookessentials, Oct 10, 3:45am
Yes, better to throw them. You can buy yourself a bay tree ( usually in a pot) which will give you beautiful fresh bay leaves when you need them. Best to keep it in a pot and/or well trimmed as they can grow large.

lythande1, Oct 10, 5:39am
The flavour would be weak if you did that. Like teabags.

jmhb51, Oct 10, 6:24am
I recycle vanilla beans

beaker59, Oct 10, 3:15pm
I have a Bay tree outside the kitchen window very handy.