It would make you cry

misskittydragon, Oct 2, 9:59pm
I backed my recipes on my mums computer as mine was playing up. Only to lose them before I could back them up properly. They are irretrievable as the drive crashed in a screaming heap.

There were years and years of recipe gathering. I am sitting here going right I will make this and that and this. Go to sit down and remember cant do that. Its only really hit me today that I have lost them as my son has to go back to the dietitian.

Please don't end up like me and back up your recipes at least twice in separate locations to save any disasters.

elliehen, Oct 2, 10:08pm
USB memory sticks have a good capacity for collecting things like recipes - and ease of use.

pickles7, Oct 2, 10:20pm
yes.elliehen . the way to go, better than a disc.

misskittydragon, Oct 2, 10:32pm
I did try that but it went walk abouts.It hasnt returned even with a bounty on it. I am looking at an external back up drive for my computer now.

beaker59, Oct 2, 10:53pm
Go and see a good computer technician plenty of files have been retrieved in the past from totally fried drives even a partial recovery may give you enough to rebuild.

t.gypsy, Oct 2, 11:07pm
i always keep my recipes in a book written down.

scuba, Oct 2, 11:41pm
give a few friendsback up copies of your recipies and you back up theirs on your comp .
It can save a lot of heartache.

lyl_guy, Oct 2, 11:56pm
have you tried taking the hard drive to a computer expert!They can do amazing things to revive broken hard drives, long enough to retrieve and copy the files from it. and you'd be surprised at the cost. we paid under $100 to do this with an old computer, well worth it IMO.

kuaka, Oct 3, 12:04am
I understand how you feel.I've managed to lose two CD's worth of photos by trying to add more photos but found only the latest photos show.The old ones are still there but my computer can't read them.I have tried downloading software to retrieve them, but to "unlock" the photos the software company wants lots of US$.I'm a bit reluctant to spend the money in case I stuff it up completely.On the other hand, it used to cost quite a bit to take a film to the chemist to get developed and half the time there was a lot of photos you didn't really want, so maybe I should spend the money.I'll have to look into a memory stick I think for the future.

lilyfield, Oct 3, 12:41am
memory sticks are NOT designed for long term storage of anything

lx4000, Oct 3, 2:05am
I send myself an email with them all in :)

wheelz, Oct 3, 2:12am
I print all my recipes off.then into a big clear file.never get lost.

griffo4, Oct 3, 2:26am
l have an external hard drive but l still don't feel comfortable with any of these things and print out as many as possible but l would still ask computer tech
Kuaka have you ask a local computer guy if they can help you with your photos!
lt never hurts to ask on these things sometimes you would be surprised what they can do

elliehen, Oct 3, 2:32am
I put them there to unclog my computer until I decide what to save and what to jettison.I've got photos there too which are lasting pretty well.I guess it depends what you mean by 'long term'.I don't mean for the term of my natural life :)

kuaka, Oct 3, 3:36am
griffo - no, I haven't found one yet.I know it can be done, because the software I downloaded (for free) shows the names of everything, but it won't let me "unlock" them unless I put my hand in my wallet.It's only because I fear it could be complicated and if I don't do it correctly I may lose them all for good, that stops me paying and doing it.

lythande1, Oct 3, 6:53am
Yes and they have a limited write cycle too. Better to use an external harddrive. And yes, COPY them, not move them.

kinna54, Oct 3, 8:17am
Aw i's sad when that happens. If there are recipes you need, please post a question, you never know, some of us might have it.
Yes I have mine in hard copy.

kinna54, Oct 3, 8:18am
Ps. I luv those guys in computing. Saved my bacon a couple of times!

elliehen, Oct 3, 8:22am
Me too.Once you adapt to their terse don't-suffer-fools-gladly style, they are very sweet ;)

misskittydragon, Oct 10, 6:38am
Thank you so much for your replies. Nothing is recoverable. They did try for us as my photos and other documents were sent to my mums computer for back up. Who knew that two computers would crash with in two days of each other. I like the idea of emailing them to yourself. I must try that. The trouble with usb sticks is they are so easy to loose and as I explained easy to go walkies.

raebee, Oct 10, 8:18am
i email mine to a gmail account i have specifically set up for recipes.then i can tag and sort if i have a particular ingredient i want to use, i can search for it with the gmail search function.that's just for recipes i get emailed to me, or that i find online though.don't bother typing up recipes unless i need to as still have paper recipes too.

sumstyle, Oct 11, 3:51am
Yeah that's what I do for my important stuff too like photos and CV etc.I have an email account with Yahoo and so then it saves out in cyberspace.

malcovy, Oct 11, 4:15am
I am just transferring mine to a usb stick, will do photos as well, great tip.