Help me please. Constipation!

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lythande1, Sep 23, 9:51pm
Normal constipation is just a lack of fluids and fruit. Not all fruit is equal.
Kiwifruit, more than one a day, grapes, a whole bunch. Plums.
Loads of them. And lots of veg.
I take codiene and have never had a problem cause I ensure I keep up the liquids and fruit.
Son who has noodles for lunch, dinner and beer, his main food group - does sometimes. Never seen him eat fruit.

margyr, Sep 24, 7:17am
"Okay, so my wee girl, nearly 7 has constipation which she's had since shortly after starting school at 5 years," have you looked into this! Perhaps she does not like to use the toilets at school, playtime is more important than taking a poo, if you hold onto a poo too long then you become constipated. Perhaps she is feeling out of control and is controlling one aspect of her life (bowel), I would be looking into the reason behind becoming constipated after starting school.

jane40, Sep 24, 7:26am
My son suffered from this and i was at my wits end.Diet and exercise alone did not work.I gave him 1/2 tablet of senokot.(i know it is for adults but this was 1/2 the adult dose), it was just to clear it, then diet to control it.after that he had to have 2 oranges per day, no apples in his diet or we would have to senokotevery school holidays.He got used to and loved having oranges every day especially when he knew the reason.

karlp2, Sep 24, 10:42pm
My son also went through this we were referred through to Starship who prescribed "Milk of Magnesia" This stuff was magic, he now has no problems & we keep up the high water & 2 kiwifruits a night. Definitly worth trying, believe me we tried everything!

katwe8, Sep 25, 1:38am
.prunes!i give to my 4 year old since he was a baby[when he gets constipated],and its a must for after you give birth!whole or juice.GO PRUNES

sailor13, Sep 25, 1:59am
My grandson was not going for 4to5 days at a time we heard about Bene fiber well what a change .countdown new world sell it is glug-free put it in any food and drink we put it in friut jiuce and he dose not know its there as you cant see it when its mixed and it is taste- free as well .It is also 100% Natural .

babytears, Sep 26, 9:16am
Wow. thanks everyone. I appreciate the responses and will look into trying these suggestions. Margyr. constipation is very common at this age and can more often than not coincide with starting school. yes I think she would rather be out playing than having to go to the toilet, or hold it in instead of having to get up to go during class. it's a huge problem, short of sitting in class and putting a timer on her I haven't got much choice other than drumming what she needs to do. everyday!

kinna54, Sep 27, 10:22am
Some great ideas here. Also anything she eats that has white sugar in, replace with brown sugar if you can.

vicks97, Sep 27, 11:07am
i reackn dont remove thingsa from diet add to it

babytears, Sep 27, 8:14pm
Yes. that is also a change we've made.

mauricios, Sep 29, 2:24am
I agree with katwe8, Prunes will always do the trick

lazkaz, Sep 29, 4:51am
I had same problem with my boys, the issue was they did not like using the toilets at school, in fact a lot of the boys friends would use my bathroom on the way home from school, so one day I questioned all this (I didn't mind) but just wondered what was going on.And yes the school toilets were not very nice, smelled bad and often not well cared for (hard to keep clean of course).Anyway its better now the boys are older.but be careful with all the additives, unfortunately I was treated for diarohea as a youngster in fact I was constipated, caused endless issues for the rest of my life.I was poked and proded not nice.plenty of fruit and veg, etc, and everyone is different some foods constipate some people and not others. I cannot eat Kiwi Fruit.All the best.

punkinthefirst, Sep 29, 11:13am
I was thinking that, too. Son had same problem. the loos at school smelled bad, so he didn't like to use them.
Foods.high fibre cereal such as muesli (make your own)or special K with an extra few sultanas or raisins and/or chopped or grated apple makes a fine start to the day!