Foods with lots of Potassium levels.

garfeild101, Sep 12, 4:40am
Im on a new drug called Florinef and it drains your levels of Potassium as you're supposed to be prescribed a supplement with the drug (for my POTS/ which is an Auto Nervous system illness)

I have tried googling foods etc and only came up with bananas, kiwifruit, papaya, avocados, tomatoes, leafy greens, I eat salad with tomatoes pretty much every night with dinner as well

Is there anything else to eat without getting a supplement!

nfh1, Sep 12, 4:46am
Brocolli, carrots, potatoes, chicken breast, oranges, milk and yoghurt.More in fresh foods than processed.

garfeild101, Sep 12, 4:53am
great thanks =)

cookessentials, Sep 12, 5:00am

cookessentials, Sep 12, 5:04am

buzzy110, Sep 12, 5:16am
According to Dr Atkins, when referring to supplementation that is required because of medication and if you don't want to take the prescription supplement - "The best way to get your potassium is to go to the supermarket and buy a salt substitute made from potassium chloride. sprinkle it liberally on foods as a seasoning. Don't waste your effort getting health food store potassium . FDA prohibits individual pills sold over-the-counter from containing more than 99mg, which is not a very meaningful amount (it takes fifteen of them to equal two prescription potassium pills.:

This site lists many foods that are high in potassium:

The list contains a good range of fish and seafood, meat & dairy, nuts, vegetables, fruits and juices + blackstrap molasses.

indy95, Sep 12, 5:44am
A wide variety of fresh fruit and vegetables plus dried fruits and nuts should ensure that you get plenty of potasssium.

elliehen, Sep 12, 6:51am

garfeild101, Sep 12, 9:48pm
thanks- i have to have a high salt diet too so that salt substitute made from potassium chloride sounds good-is it easy to find!

tarshlove, Sep 13, 1:14am
Apricots and Broccoli. I have low potassium I take supplements from the Dr.

buzzy110, Sep 13, 3:59am
I've seen it is supermarkets. I just cannot remember where. Ask at the Serve Over Deli section. They should be able to point you in the right direction.

cookessentials, Sep 13, 4:23am
I would be checking with your doctor before buying potassum chloride anything as it can also be detrimental to your health and can be upset by various medications. Surely your docotr can give you a prescription for or guide you to what is best and what suits your health condition.

cookessentials, Sep 13, 4:24am
Potassium chloride is a prescription drug used to replace potassium in people with low blood levels of potassium, to prevent potassium depletion in specific diseases or resulting from specific drug therapies, and to help lower mild high blood pressure in some people. Potassium chloride is also available without prescription in some supplements and in salt substitutes found in grocery stores. While potassium depletion is a health risk, high levels of potassium are also associated with health risks. Potassium-containing drugs should be used only under medical supervision. The potassium found in fruit is both safe and healthful for most people, except those taking potassium-sparing diuretic drugs and individuals with kidney failure. Courtesy of health chemist learning centre.

garfeild101, Sep 13, 4:40am
Im on a new drug called Florinef and it drains your levels of Potassium as you're supposed to be prescribed a supplement with the drug (for my POTS/ which is an Auto Nervous system illness)

I have tried googling foods etc and only came up with bananas, kiwifruit, papaya, avocados, tomatoes, leafy greens, I eat salad with tomatoes pretty much every night with dinner as well

Is there anything else to eat without getting a supplement!

buzzy110, Sep 13, 5:16am
According to Dr Atkins, when referring to supplementation that is required because of medication and if you don't want to take the prescription supplement - "The best way to get your potassium is to go to the supermarket and buy a salt substitute made from potassium chloride. sprinkle it liberally on foods as a seasoning. Don't waste your effort getting health food store potassium . FDA prohibits individual pills sold over-the-counter from containing more than 99mg, which is not a very meaningful amount (it takes fifteen of them to equal two prescription potassium pills.:

This site lists many foods that are high in potassium:

The list contains a good range of fish and seafood, meat & dairy, nuts, vegetables, fruits and juices + blackstrap molasses.

fisher, Sep 13, 7:11am
same boat.I take enough drugs and pills as it is so just eat a BANANA every morning.done deal.

suie1, Sep 13, 8:12am

frances1266, Sep 13, 8:40am
died apricots have a lot more potassium than bananas

fisher, Sep 13, 8:42am
Bananas are cheaper.and quick. peel and eat.done deal. :}

tarshlove, Sep 14, 1:14am
Apricots and Broccoli and Beans. I have low potassium I take supplements from the Dr.

buzzy110, Sep 14, 3:59am
I've seen it is supermarkets. I just cannot remember where. Ask at the Serve Over Deli section. They should be able to point you in the right direction.