Clipping a pony that has foundered

feynicks, Aug 9, 11:17pm
before floating to new paddock where there is a standard bred mare and a clydesdale on antibotics.What kind of bridle should I buy!

pickles7, Aug 9, 11:21pm
How do you cook your, horse meat!feynicks

accroul, Aug 9, 11:28pm
Don't forget the wigam & the goose

rainrain1, Aug 9, 11:36pm
what are you on about!

unreadjewel, Aug 9, 11:40pm
make sure the bridle has a couple of thingamegiggers and whoezzwhatsits attached and u wont go wrong. or just borrow the gooses for now. horse goes well with pickled eels feet I've been told.

sunnybrookefarm, Aug 9, 11:44pm
whats the recipe for horse salami please!

arnie62, Aug 9, 11:46pm
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha awesome work, i think the molasses is getting to everyone!

lindylambchops1, Aug 10, 3:26am
Seriously you want to discuss this in Recipe Thread LMAO!