Has anyone here bought appliances overseas??

jan2242, Jul 16, 9:39pm
I have been looking at getting a new processor and through Amazon it works out far cheaper than here. Has anyone done this? Just wondering how the warranty etc would work.

beaker59, Jul 17, 12:00am
I would be more concerned about plugs and voltages myself.

vintagekitty, Jul 17, 12:26am
I have, You have to consider 99% of appliances/electronics are made in China anyway, so if its cheaper andworthwhile in $ terms to pay to change plugs, then all good.

otterhound, Jul 17, 9:10am
Not quite kitchen appliances, but I've bought horse clippers from the UK as it worked out about $300 cheaper than buying the same ones here!Just had to go toNoel Leeming or suchlike to buy a $20 plug adaptor.Was well worth doing.

jan2242, Jul 17, 9:44pm
Thanks. Think I will ask my local electrician on this one. Amazon UK have Magimix for around $200 cheaper than here.

davidt4, Jul 17, 10:09pm
You won't need an electrician.Just buy a plug converter UK - NZ.

carriebradshaw, Jul 17, 10:14pm
Have you checked that Amazon will ship it here as they only ship certain stuff outside the U.S?.Also postage would be quite expensive if they do.
I brought some of my electrical appliances with me when I moved here from Ireland and they work fine,I just have to use an adaptor plug.

nauru, Jul 21, 4:33am
Just change the plug to an NZ one.I did this on all my UK appliances.

antoniab, Jul 21, 6:49am
I have a Kenwood chef from amazon.co.uk - I just use an adaptor although its easy enough to change it to an nz plug

firemansgirl, Oct 14, 10:16am
I bought my Magimix back from the UK - never bothered changing the plug, I just bought an adaptor and it works perfectly.

mikek, Oct 14, 10:36am
Some are ok,I just bought a Kitchen aid mixer from overseas - the US versions are not ok here they are only 120v and have a different hertz, so even if you change the plug you will blow it up .I got the swiss version which is the same as here and only $300 vs over 1k here - so well worth it .Lots of devices are multi powered ,but not all - so be careful

coreblimey, Oct 14, 10:53am
I just bought a Kitchen Aid blender from US Amazon.I had to buy a step down transformer to be able to use it but is still cost less than half what the same thing was selling for here.And its FAB!

mikek, Oct 14, 10:56am
Yeah we didnt want to have an bulky adaptor on our bench and we could only find ones which were quite bulky and were quite expensive.the euro version (which i bought in San Francisco whilst there) was the same price and avoided that so was pretty good.Good mixer thou ,wife loves it