believe how far away from the gumbo it could be. the only thing like gumbo is the veggies.First there are no tomatoes in gumbo. And you can't have a gumbo without rue. And the rue needs to be very very dark. If you do turn gumbo into sauce piqante you add tomatoes but again you still have to start with a dark rue. That what they showed was more like a tomato vegetable soup. Nothing like Gumbo. Most people so get good at making gumbo they use ocra to make it thick. If you use Chanel 1's recipe for gumbo please do not call it gumbo. Call it tomato based soup.
Jun 13, 2:14am
It's for Watties...wattie do you expect LOL Cant say any of those recipes do anything for me...they dont exactly encourage people to use fresh vegetables and made from scratch sauces.
"Gumbo is a stew or soup which originated in south Louisiana. It consists primarily of a strong stock, meat or shellfish, a thickener, and the vegetable "holy trinity" of celery, bell peppers, and onion. Gumbo is often categorized by the type of thickener used: the African vegetable okra, the Choctaw spice filé powder, or the French base made of flour and fat, roux. The dish likely derived its name from either the African word for okra (ki ngombo) or the Choctaw word for filé (kombo). Two main varieties of gumbo exist. Creole gumbo generally contains shellfish, tomatoes, and a thickener. Cajun gumbo is generally based on a dark roux and is spicier, with either shellfish or fowl. Sausage or ham can be added to a gumbo made with either fowl or shellfish. After the base is prepared, vegetables are cooked down, and then meat is added. The dish boils for a minimum of three hours, with shellfish and some spices added near the end. After the pot is removed from heat, filé powder can be added. Gumbo is traditionally served over rice. A third variety, the meatless gumbo z'herbes is essentially a gumbo of slow-cooked greens sometimes thickened with roux."
Perhaps the Food in a Minute Gumbo is an adaptation of a Creole Gumbo. :-))
Jun 13, 3:28am
Yes but they could have called it something else. Gumbo took me years to get right. An to let people think that it is anything like what they showed is so off. Now people will think that is gumbo when it is nothing like gumbo.
Jun 13, 3:32am
No tomatoes in Gumbo. If you add tomatoes it is called Sauce picante. I have lived most of my life in Louisiana. And I know what I am talking about. That recipe is nothing like gumbo.
Jun 13, 3:41am
And Gumbo is also the rue then seasonings fried hard and then the trinity added. Plus all kinds of meat. Alligator or rabbit or shrimp and the most popular is chicken and sausage. It is known for using with any kind of meat. That is the whole beauty of the dish. No tomatoes. Creole sauce is sometimes call sauce piquante. Creoles are American Indians, Africans and Cajuns. And when they use the word in cooking it usually has tomatoes. But I have never heard of a gumbo called creole gumbo. But I see what you are saying. But in saying that It is not called creole gumbo in Louisiana.
Jun 13, 3:45am
spent twenty years in Lake Charles, Louisiana. The food is fabulous. Some of the best restaurants in America in South Louisiana. Gumbo is a dish that is a bench mark of cooks in the south. And that soup that Watties is pushing is nothing like gumbo.
Jun 13, 4:11am
sounds like your about to have a stroke
Jun 13, 4:37pm
They'll rue the day they called it Gumbo! Roux.
Jun 13, 5:54pm
Could be a good seller. We live here in Hastings, the other day something wafted our way, it smelt Devinne, maybe it was there, take on "Gumbo" as the smell came from the "Watties", cookers. yum
Jun 13, 7:45pm
lol i was thinking the same, i really hate the message boards negative brigade but the spelling of roux in a rant about how watties are making gumbo wrong really got to me....... roux roux roux, get it right!
Jun 13, 11:34pm
Food in a Minute isn't about cooking properly. It's about promoting certain products. That's why the last presenter quit.
Jun 13, 11:37pm
The last presenter stayed a very long time...long enough to make a pile of money, publish a lot of books and make herself a name worth buying for other kinds of promotional TV.
I'm not sure how much pure principle was involved ;)
Jun 13, 11:44pm
Ellie - how are you?, how was your trip, did you buy loads, did you eat loads, what did you do???. Are you moving to the States now??????
Oh and ive never had Gumbo, so have no idea.......
Oct 21, 3:13am
Please excuse me OP while I talk briefly to vintagekitty :)Bought a load of scarves!Went to concerts at the Lincoln Centre, the Met, three musicals (two on, one off Broadway), all the Museums - Folk Art, Native American, MoMO etc... was in the audience for David Letterman Show and a Jody Foster interview.....rode the subway uptown, downtown and crosstown around Manhattan and visited every vintage/retro shop in Brooklyn....went to listen to TV cook Anthony Bourdain talk....ate everything in sight, but because I was runnng up and down subway stairs and walking everywhere that didn't matter!Popped over to Pittsburgh PA for a long weekend with friends... Won't be moving there, but will certainly be going back for another month in New York City when I can :)Loved every minute!
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