George Foreman Grillers

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juddy1, May 17, 3:29am
Are just the bee knees at doing chicken drums .....
Anybody put a half chook,butterflyed out in the griller,and how did it turn out?
How long did it take to cook through?

juddy1, May 17, 4:00am

juddy1, May 18, 3:29am
Are just the bee knees at doing chicken drums .
Anybody put a half chook,butterflyed out in the griller,and how did it turn out!
How long did it take to cook through!

juddy1, May 18, 4:00am

mum99, May 19, 11:58pm
i have a breville health smart grill and would often halve the chook and and cook in my grill, how long? couldn't really tell you been so long since i have done one but it was really yummy and had the crunchy skin, chicken wings are awesome in it too!!

kinna54, May 20, 1:53am
Have only done that on the barbie, but reckon it would be quick, great idea.

chrisynz, May 20, 2:49am
dont like mine at all

juddy1, May 20, 2:54am
sell it then ..and stop moaning to us! lol
yes ....nice half chook,opened up...prob take about 25-30mins i reacon..

ohhh and chrisynz ,,,,why enter into a chat if you have nothing positive to add? ....bored perhaps?

redback2, May 20, 3:00am
just finished some split venison sossies, and chicken nuggets in mine. just great and easy

juddy1, May 20, 4:33am
sweet .....sounds nice
heaps of fat come out i bet

mousely2, May 20, 11:11pm
Yeah Heaps of Fat!!Should be one in every House eh??
Cardiologists love them...Good Tip for the Chicken Though...I reckon about twenty Minutes Max???for say a No 11 Chicken??

mum99, May 20, 11:58pm
i have a breville health smart grill and would often halve the chook and and cook in my grill, how long! couldn't really tell you been so long since i have done one but it was really yummy and had the crunchy skin, chicken wings are awesome in it too!

jezabell, May 21, 12:35am
do you have shares in the company or something?
Chrisynz only commented that she was not fussed on her GF.
I was thinking of buying one also so am interested to hear who likes theirs or who does not. Defensive? much?

buzzy110, May 21, 12:39am
Take heart. I think we are all entitled to our opinions and I for one would be very interested to know what it was you didn't like about yours.

lythande1, May 21, 12:58am
Fat = Flavour.

rainrain1, May 21, 12:59am
I didn't like mine either chrisy...I gave it away.....

juddy1, May 21, 2:54am
sell it then .and stop moaning to us! lol
yes .nice half chook,opened up.prob take about 25-30mins i reacon.

ohhh and chrisynz ,,,,why enter into a chat if you have nothing positive to add! .bored perhaps!

juddy1, May 21, 4:33am
sweet .sounds nice
heaps of fat come out i bet

cottagerose, May 21, 5:29am
I have a breville. Same thing, but cheaper to buy than GF. I use it for sausages and rissoles and kebabs. Alot of fat comes out of rissoles and sausages so that makes me happy.
It is a bit of a pain to clean tho, I use wet handy towels dipped in hot soapy water then a brush. Easier to clean when warm

jezabell, May 21, 6:26am
what was it you did not like? to much hassle to cook in?
They look like a lot of work and storage space.

hilt_dwane, May 21, 6:40pm
Tip for cleaning your GF griller - soon as the food is done, layer about 5 wet paper towels on the grill, close the lid. When you are ready to wash after dinner, all is soft and only takes a wipe out.

camper18, May 21, 8:22pm
Agree with hilt_dwane, works a treat every time.

aimz_bj, May 21, 8:26pm
I have a breville health smart grill.My partner is away at the moment so that gets used every night.Very easy to use and easy to wipe down afterwards

rainrain1, May 21, 9:23pm
They don't do steak the way we like it, so biffed it

mousely2, May 21, 9:46pm
Fat = Flavour???Jese, Tell the Boys at Greenlane that!!
Fat = Cardiovascular Disease,...Big Time..