Avocados! lots of them!

uli, Jan 15, 4:52am
bump for cautis

cautis, Jan 15, 7:19am
Thanks Uli.

sweeney25, May 8, 10:07am
they're pretty ripe so anyone got any ideas bar guacamole for using them up in next few days?
going to make some ice cream and prob use some for hair/face masks

chrisynz, May 8, 10:14am
think u can freeze guacamole - u could goggle recipes - they are so yummy

lindylambchops1, May 8, 10:17am
I made a coleslaw a few days ago & used an avocado as part of the dressing.Blend avo with 3-4 tbl olive oil, juice of one lemon, add salt & pepper according to taste.Family really enjoyed it for a change.

sweeney25, May 8, 10:48am
hmmm, maybe ill make some of both those, gonna be avocado everything for awhile! thanks!

ruby19, May 8, 7:26pm
Ohh......Lucky you.Love it on toast with a good dash 0f salt and pepper. In one of the Alison holst recipe books I think there was a recipe for an avocado pie?

margyr, May 8, 7:59pm
Avocado Pie; make a biscuit crust, malt biscuits crush up and mix with butter, press this into a pie tin or cake tin, bring it up the sides. filling;1 mashed avocado 1/4 cup lemon juice combine this with 2 beaten egg yolks, 1 tsp vanilla essence, 1 tin condensed milk, 1/2 tsp salt, pour this into your pie crust and bake for 15-20 mins at 165. Topping; mix 1 cup sour cream, 1/4 cup sugar, 1/2 tsp vanilla essence, dont worry that it will be grainy as it is smooth as. I have made this basic recipe without the avocado and used blueberries, strawberries, the only fruit that did not work in it was kiwi fruit.
Use this recipe with mashed banana as well, yummy.

rainrain1, May 8, 8:19pm
Avacado cheesecake is pretty darn good

cinny19, May 9, 12:36am
at the price they are you could sell them on trademe

myoflash, May 9, 1:31am
You can make chocolate mouse with avocado.

Serves 8

1/2 cup dehydrated sugar cane juice or honey
1/2 cup water
2 medium-sized avocados (300g flesh)
1 tsp pure vanilla essence
1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 cup good quality cocoa powder
Juice of 1/2 small lemon

This surprisingly rich, smooth mousse is dairy-free. Avocado is the magic ingredient - its healthy oils create a luscious creamy texture. It keeps well in the refrigerator for more than 10 days - if you can resist dipping into it!

Put all ingredients in a food processor and process to combine. Refrigerate until required.

By Roger Wilde and Anna

lynan, May 9, 2:30am
Fill peeled halves ( overflow lol) of avo with shrimp or prawns mixed with a marie rose type mayo, and serve on shredded iceberg lettuce with lemon wedges.A new twist on the old shrimp cocktail. Very nice. :)

sweeney25, May 9, 10:07am
they're pretty ripe so anyone got any ideas bar guacamole for using them up in next few days!
going to make some ice cream and prob use some for hair/face masks

ruby19, May 9, 7:26pm
Ohh.Lucky you.Love it on toast with a good dash 0f salt and pepper. In one of the Alison holst recipe books I think there was a recipe for an avocado pie!

margyr, Oct 2, 4:48am
this is yummy also; Avocado Pie; make a biscuit crust, malt biscuits crush up and mix with butter, press this into a pie tin or cake tin, bring it up the sides. filling;1 mashed avocado 1/4 cup lemon juice combine this with 2 beaten egg yolks, 1 tsp vanilla essence, 1 tin condensed milk, 1/2 tsp salt, pour this into your pie crust and bake for 15-20 mins at 165. Topping; mix 1 cup sour cream, 1/4 cup sugar, 1/2 tsp vanilla essence, dont worry that it will be grainy as it is smooth as. I have made this basic recipe without the avocado and used blueberries, strawberries, the only fruit that did not work in it was kiwi fruit.
Quote margyr (461 ) 11:50 am, Mon 5 Apr #3