Guess what I just made...out of leftovers!!

petal-pickle, May 6, 12:18am
I had quite a few leftover roasted veggies in the fridge from a few nights ago, so chopped up the spuds and fried in butter with herb salt, chopped up the pumpkin and carrots and beetroot, threw it all into a casserole dish.Then chopped up chunks of cream cheese and scattered over the top. Then I made up an eggy mix with milk, fresh chopped chives, grated cheese and mixed in some wholegrain mustard, poured over the veggies and is soooo good!!I'm determined never to throw out leftovers again and am getting very creative on "making up" days.Does anyone else have a leftover recipe to share??

lindylambchops1, May 6, 12:33am

pickles7, May 6, 12:41am
sounds yummmy....petal-pickle ....well done.
I like cold roast veg in sandwiches.
I also try and plate up two extra roast dinners, and I heat them up two days later.
Quiche, always goes down well

petal-pickle, May 6, 12:54am
Thanks pickles7, I'm very pleased with the way it's come out,delicious.I was trying not to just bung them in the freezer to be forgotten again.

pickles7, May 6, 1:01am
true we tend to do that, and find then three years later lol.

petal-pickle, May 6, 1:11am
Yep, its just too wasteful.Its rubbish day here so I was just going through the fridge to see if anything needed to go in the bin, glad I recooked them into something yummy.Easy to collect lots of things in the freezer too, was very embarrassed the other day, had a friend over and we ended up cooking dinner together, dug out some peas from the freezer to discover they were 4 years old!!Had freezer burn so threw them out, cleaned out the freezer the following night.

pickles7, May 6, 1:30am
lol . we all do that. I am trying an upright freezer to try and stop me from over buying, and storing up way too much. I feel it is working. I found an empty shelf, the other day. yaaaaaa. I can buy a bit more .

darlingmole, May 6, 1:55am
I normally use up anyleftovers and make it into a curry or else make herb/tomato/cheese sauce and add some cooked pasta

omokoroa1, May 6, 2:13am
petal that sounds yummy ..........i have those sorts of days in our house too .......\my house eats in shifts so there is always bitsof left overs in the fridgei do what you do .......and call it SMASH

kabbo, May 6, 2:14am
i often do this too with left over veg.....just make it into a yummy frittata.

petal-pickle, May 6, 2:16am
Thanks omokoroa, yep often all thats needed is a good dose of sauce for moisture and pasta to pad it out a bit!!And always lots of herbs or spices for flavour.I feel like I've cheated the bank when I do this, yay!!!!

beaker59, May 6, 2:34am
When we have a roast I always make lots of gravy then next day or so all the left over meat and roast veg is chopped up and whatever else is lying around into a large fry pan, heat til sizzling then pour over the gravy(mix a little water in if too thick) stir well until well heated through, this meal is almost as popular as the roast :)

omokoroa1, May 6, 4:14am
lol petal .....yeah and when you share with friends or familyhating it when they always ask .........mmmmm whats in this( i cant tell them its all my left over food) i have to tell them somerandom BSand hope in hell my household dont say

psy-trading, May 6, 4:22am
My freezer needs the same treatment. Doesn't seem that long ago that I last did it but time flies and stuff soon gets lost and forgotten in there.

mybooks, May 6, 9:11am
I saw a few days ago in a recycling pamphlet from our council that New Zealanders throw out the largest amount of 'waste' food of any other country..

kara101, May 7, 11:14am
We just made good ole fashioned bubble n squeek out of left over pork and roast veges.Just topped it with a bity of gravy my partner luuuuved it!Some men are easy to please.