I am going to make pork brawn from trotters, any suggestions please to what herbs I should be adding. Thank you for your suggestions in advance.
Apr 28, 11:32pm
Yum love it..all I have ever added is onions spring are nice or red..parsley guess really you can add anything you like yourself but for more instense flavours I leave that to what I am serving it with, like my homemade chow chow..etc..hope this helps Maybe a bit of brown sugar in the boil up not over kill just a wee sweeten.. even fresh bay leaf in boiling water..fresh herbs better than dried..I could post you a couple if you want?Fresh bay that is :) Anne
Apr 28, 11:37pm
Thank you annie1955, kind of you to offer I do have fresh bay and other herbs, could be something to play with.
Apr 29, 12:54am
my mum makes braun with onions and mixed herb....i usually add a smeltering of sage butter on the top.....YUM
Apr 29, 2:51am
got to have lots of sage and some rosemary. I use fresh though not compulsary.
Other nice to haves are Ginger, cinnamon and chilli among others.
Edit to add a few Bay leaves too :)
Apr 29, 11:27pm
my nana and mum used to sometimes add a little mixed herbs(but not too much) a finely chopped onion and some grated carrot and some peas and that was it oops and a little salt to tastewas pretty basic ............my nanaused to be very very old school she would say you dont need flash things to make a flash brawn i want to eat it not look at it ......thats 86 for yah .......haha!!!!!
Apr 29, 11:32pm
Yum love it.all I have ever added is onions spring are nice or red.parsley guess really you can add anything you like yourself but for more instense flavours I leave that to what I am serving it with, like my homemade chow chow.etc.hope this helps Maybe a bit of brown sugar in the boil up not over kill just a wee sweeten. even fresh bay leaf in boiling water.fresh herbs better than dried.I could post you a couple if you want!Fresh bay that is :) Anne
Apr 29, 11:33pm
@ ANNE1955
Love i have been looking for a bayleaf plant forever.....where did u purchase yours from?
Apr 30, 12:54am
my mum makes braun with onions and mixed herb.i usually add a smeltering of sage butter on the top.YUM
Apr 30, 7:13pm
I actually brought it on Tm and brought 3 posted at same price as one gave 2 away as gifts it wasn't much and I have brought many live plants on TM as well as hundreds of seeds some sellers seeds seem better than others..My bay tree is a treasure sorry I can't remeber who it was from but feel sure it was a NI seller..When I lived in AU use to plants online of the other site and they all travelled fine to me while I was there as well. Hope that helpsAnne
Apr 30, 7:16pm
lovely anne ty hun im goin a looking right now ........
Apr 30, 7:18pm
Just wondered how it went???I haven't made any for awhile but do tounge when I find them, and use to do lambs tounges but just can't buy them any more bugger..they all get exported..another nice offal type thing is checks pigs and veal done in slow cooker as a cassarole yummy but again hard to get these days a bit like necks mutton or lamb look ugly but taste wonderful...
Apr 30, 11:27pm
my nana and mum used to sometimes add a little mixed herbs(but not too much) a finely chopped onion and some grated carrot and some peas and that was it oops and a little salt to tastewas pretty basic .my nanaused to be very very old school she would say you dont need flash things to make a flash brawn i want to eat it not look at it .thats 86 for yah .haha!
Apr 30, 11:33pm
@ ANNE1955
Love i have been looking for a bayleaf plant forever.where did u purchase yours from!
May 1, 7:13pm
I actually brought it on Tm and brought 3 posted at same price as one gave 2 away as gifts it wasn't much and I have brought many live plants on TM as well as hundreds of seeds some sellers seeds seem better than others.My bay tree is a treasure sorry I can't remeber who it was from but feel sure it was a NI seller.When I lived in AU use to plants online of the other site and they all travelled fine to me while I was there as well. Hope that helpsAnne
May 1, 7:16pm
lovely anne ty hun im goin a looking right now .
May 1, 7:18pm
Just wondered how it went!I haven't made any for awhile but do tounge when I find them, and use to do lambs tounges but just can't buy them any more bugger.they all get exported.another nice offal type thing is checks pigs and veal done in slow cooker as a cassarole yummy but again hard to get these days a bit like necks mutton or lamb look ugly but taste wonderful.
May 3, 10:29pm
Hi Annie1955 this is the weekend I am going to attempt the brawn, I have had to order the trotters from the butcher and a 2 week wait, offal is not any easy thing to buy any more, love the idea of veal cheeks I will persue that further with my butcher.....
Sep 1, 2:16am
Hi Annie1955 this is the weekend I am going to attempt the brawn, I have had to order the trotters from the butcher and a 2 week wait, offal is not any easy thing to buy any more, love the idea of veal cheeks I will persue that further with my butcher.
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