Hawaiian Nyt - what to make

jed, Apr 22, 4:50am
Need some good idea's for buffet for a Hawaiian nyt.Have thought of chicken and pineapple, sweet and sour pork, ham and pineapple pasta salad, kumera and banana curried salad.Maybe some cold chicken or ham with mango chutney.What would you guys suggest?Need desserts as well.TIA

lindylambchops1, Apr 22, 7:08am
http://gohawaii.about.com/od/recipes/a/luau_foods_and_recipes.htm There are several Blogs too if you Google them, here is one http://www.hawaiiancooking.ewebsite.com/
Have a great Hawaiian Night!

jed, Apr 23, 4:50am
Need some good idea's for buffet for a Hawaiian nyt.Have thought of chicken and pineapple, sweet and sour pork, ham and pineapple pasta salad, kumera and banana curried salad.Maybe some cold chicken or ham with mango chutney.What would you guys suggest!Need desserts as well.TIA