blue45, Apr 6, 10:17pm
Can anyone suggest some healther alternatives, am sick of plain old sandwiches.

nzl99, Apr 6, 10:20pm
Salads...?Stirfry veges?Wholemeal pasta with a roast tomato and vege sauce...?

ruby19, Apr 6, 10:34pm
I have been taking a pot of yogurt, a serve of museli and a small banana, then at lunch time mix yog & museli & chop banana up into yog museli.As I too am sick of sandwiches. Also I find this easy on the mornings I am running out of time!

motorbo, Apr 6, 11:06pm
last night i made roast veges and fennel and pork sausages in the oven, i had one leftover so i chopped it up with the other vege, kumara, red onion, red pepper, carrot and pumpkin and added the juices too the tipped in some lentils from a can, instant dressed vege salad for lunch

lx4000, Apr 7, 12:34am
muffins, pancakes, scones, toasted sandwiches, mousetraps (open toasties using burger bun) quiche too and all can be frozen down ready to eat! Salads, thermos of soup, milo, stew or mince. 2 min noddles to boot:) Crackers and cheese, dips, veggie and fruit with salsa and meats.

ant_sonja, Apr 7, 1:38am
I usually eat left over dinner for lunch or some fruit cut up with some greek yogurt. Also make chicken salad out of left over roast chicken, or make up a tuna/egg salad - salads in all variations really. Roast beef 'roll ups' are nice if you have roast beef left over - slice thinly and roll up with horseradish sauce or whatever you like in the middle. I make home made pizza & foccaccia bread which can be nice instead of a sandwich also. Eggs are great in all forms..lx4000 mentioned pancakes - if you make some thin crepe style ones, they are fantastic filled with all sorts of savory things, creamy mushrooms with parmesan cheese, ham and cheese, tomato & chorizo sausage...or make sweet versions with stewed fruits or preserves - you don't need a lot of filling and they roll up into a tasty snack :-)

elliehen, Apr 7, 1:43am
I second ant_sonja's left-over dinner idea.No preparation rush in the morning and variety throughout the week.

fee1965, Apr 7, 1:54am
white rice - nuke in microwave and stir in a tin of flavoured tuna!!!!!yumeeeeeee

winnie15, Apr 7, 1:56am
sushi , pasta salad, rice salad .. left over meats and salad with grated vege and dressing.

nzl99, Apr 7, 10:20pm
Salads.!Stirfry veges!Wholemeal pasta with a roast tomato and vege sauce.!

ant_sonja, Apr 8, 1:38am
I usually eat left over dinner for lunch or some fruit cut up with some greek yogurt. Also make chicken salad out of left over roast chicken, or make up a tuna/egg salad - salads in all variations really. Roast beef 'roll ups' are nice if you have roast beef left over - slice thinly and roll up with horseradish sauce or whatever you like in the middle. I make home made pizza & foccaccia bread which can be nice instead of a sandwich also. Eggs are great in all forms.lx4000 mentioned pancakes - if you make some thin crepe style ones, they are fantastic filled with all sorts of savory things, creamy mushrooms with parmesan cheese, ham and cheese, tomato & chorizo sausage.or make sweet versions with stewed fruits or preserves - you don't need a lot of filling and they roll up into a tasty snack :-)

elliehen, Apr 8, 1:43am
I second ant_sonja's left-over dinner idea.No preparation rush in the morning and variety throughout the week.

fee1965, Apr 8, 1:54am
white rice - nuke in microwave and stir in a tin of flavoured tuna!yumeeeeeee

winnie15, Apr 8, 1:56am
sushi , pasta salad, rice salad . left over meats and salad with grated vege and dressing.