
tamerlane, Apr 5, 12:24am
can I please have a recipe for playdough.I used to make it for my kids,and now I want to make it for my grandchildren, but I have forgotten the recipe.

lisapisa2, Apr 5, 12:29am
1 T oil, 1 c flour, 2 t cream of tartar, 1 c water, 1/2 c salt, 2 t food colouring.
Mix all ingredients in a saucepan. Cook over medium heat stirring constantly until dough is no longer sticky and suddenly grabs together in a glob.
Take off heat. Turn on to floured board and knead until smooth. Enjoy!

tamerlane, Apr 5, 12:45am
thanks so much.

summer04, Apr 5, 12:57am
1 cup flour, half cup salt, 2 tablespoons creamof tartar, 1 tablespoon oil, half - one cup of boiling water, food colouring and mix!

tamerlane, Apr 5, 3:14am
thankyou also.I will save and use this for another 5 yrs or so.

missy_chester, Apr 18, 11:21am
Oh dear, I cleaned out the pantry the other day and chucked out an old box of cream of tartar! Will this keep for long? And, if i don't want to keep it could I get away with making it without the cream of tartar?

evorotorua, Apr 18, 6:08pm
If you are really desperate for playdough, a mix of two cups flour, one cup salt and hot water is good enough. (No oil or cream of tartar) Mix any colouring into the water before you mix it through the flour and salt. I used this method for years at playcentre and it was just fine. Doesn't keep well for ages but the kids normally don't want it that long anyway.