8 oz is how many grams?

matuq, Apr 13, 3:11am
Please :o) Meant 8 ounces of butter is how many grams

pickles7, Apr 13, 3:14am

matuq, Apr 13, 3:15am
Thank you Pickes7. I did Google but couldn't find anything really easy. Yours is good. Ta.

pickles7, Apr 13, 3:19am
it is a handy site, covers everything

lythande1, Apr 13, 4:43am
1 oz roughly 30 grams.

buzzy110, Apr 13, 5:52am
Probably too late now but just a quick reminder - weight is weight and it doesn't matter what is being weighed, unlike units of volume.

My old scales say 8oz = 240g approx but usually I have found that when converting, most books round up or down so 250g would be acceptable if you convert the rest of the recipe as well using the same rounding method.

sarahb5, Apr 13, 6:53am
An ounce is 28g - round up or down - most recipes that have both measurements use 25g as the conversion

juli55, Apr 15, 10:59am
A cup has 250gm. 8oz = one cup = half block of butter.

r.g.nixon, Apr 15, 11:22am
It is half a pound, and 1 pound = 454g. So, 227g is the answer.

family007, Apr 18, 8:16am
Its actually 200grams

flancrest, Apr 18, 9:56am
No, it isn't. It is 227g
200g is only just over 7oz

thewomble1, Oct 2, 7:58am
8 oz = 226.796185g