Agee Preserver help please

amazing_grace, Feb 12, 3:13am
I have an old Agee Preserver, and love the preserves that come out ofit. In comparison to the waterbath method, the fruit stays a nice shape, colour and looks whole and great, not a sloppy mess. BUT... I always seem to have at least one jar each time out of the 8 that fit into it, that will break :-(... . what can I do to stop it, or is it just "old jars" "fast boiling water for long periods" or what? any help greatly appreciated.

amazing_grace, Feb 12, 4:18am

pinkrose, Feb 12, 7:12am
I use an Agee Preserver and haven't struck that problem, other than perhaps one or two jars each year. Is the thermostat working OK? Not boiling for longer than you need to? One thing I do is always fill the jars with close to boiling liquid before putting into the hot water bath and leave a little space at the top of each jar.

truuske, Feb 12, 7:13am
I just preserved 50 bottles of apricots . but never had any trouble , sorry can't help

westflora, Aug 6, 10:54am
never had a breakage yet, I always start with cold/warm water, both in the preserver and for the syrup, bring them up to the recomended temperature, usually between about 75 and 90C, depending on the type of fruit, hold it there for the time recomended (an hour or 2), no recipes for fruit I have actual bring the temp to boiling.