Time to serve supper?

vicki_r, Mar 30, 12:34am
Am hosting a party for a reasonable number. It begins at 7;30. What time do you suggest supper is served at?

lurtz, Mar 30, 2:12am
I suppose it depends on what you mean by supper. Do you meanfinger food, or a buffet, or are you having a sit down dinner. If its finger food, this can be handed around more or less throughout the evening. If it's a buffet or dinner, then whatever time suits the type of gathering. It's really up to you. It's funny seeing the word supper again. When I was growing up my parents would occassionally invite their friends for supper, and it was always after the family sit down dinner, in the early evening. and what was served was a cup of tea, and cakes and savouries.

red2, Dec 16, 11:10am
I think having food/ nibbles out from 8 pm is good particularly if drinks are on too