Pot cleaning

babe56, Jan 26, 7:35am
How do I clean a good stainless steel pot which I burnt on the inside when cooking apples for suce and forgot about it?I tried boiling some water with baking soda with no effect.Has anyone got recipe to clean this please.

greerg, Jan 26, 7:38am
Boil it up with some dishwasher powder then leave to sit for a while.Repeat if necessary.Worksreally well.

babe56, Jan 26, 8:03am
Many thanks, I will try it.

ibcreative, Jan 26, 8:05am
Vinegar boiled in the pot works too.

cottagerose, Jan 26, 8:05am
I did this last night when I burnt pumpkin.Lol, then used a soapy steelo pad on it. It worked

martine5, Jan 26, 8:55am
If I badly burn a pot I spray it with oven cleaner and leave it overnight before passing it to my partner for a clean up.

melford, Jan 26, 8:59am
Baking soda and vinegar boiled for 15 minutes - burnt stuff just slides off

winnie15, Jan 29, 3:48am
i used this method yesterday and was very impressed in how the burnt stuff slid off!.i thought i was going to replace the pot but it worked a treat

earthangel4, Mar 6, 4:42pm
Yes I use this method.