Watch out us bakers... flour, sugar, butter

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buzzy110, Jan 19, 10:56pm
Lol uli. Indoctrination starts young in these here parts. When I went to school we were taught that potatoes, rice and bread were staples and that every meal should have at least one of those items!! Amazing isn't it?

In a properly educated world the staples would have been fat and protein. Now, try eating without either one or the other of those and see how long you can stop yourself from going into the kitchen and binging on every carbohydrate you can find. I'd take bets that the longest an ordinary mortal (putting aside those with extraordinary will power or are driven by some deeply held belief or other), is maybe, 3 days tops.

Most dieters last only till lunchtime!!!

uli, Jan 19, 11:08pm
That is so funny - and so right too :)

cgvl, Jan 20, 12:40am
well i was so smart today. New World had Pams flour at $1:59 for 1.5kg so I grabbed 3 and forgot to get sugar. Darn it oh well DH will have to forgo his sugar fix in his tea and coffee lol.
I buy sugar so rarely and today I even had it on my list and forgot to get it.

elliehen, Jan 20, 12:47am
Eat less meat - feed the people, not the cows.

bedazzledjewels, Jan 20, 1:00am
I'll stick with the cows thanks. You can eat my share of carbs Ellie.

buzzy110, Jan 20, 1:14am
You'd let cows starve!!!

Where would you get your dairy from if the cows starved?

buzzy110, Jan 20, 1:15am
Same goes for chooks. Starve them and where would you get your eggs from?

cloudberry, Jan 20, 2:03am
I bought a kilo of white sugar about three years ago and I still have most of it. The only time it is used is for visitors who still take sugar in their tea or coffee. I've got it stored in a glass jar in the back of the pantry - it seems to be keeping ok.

elliehen, Jan 20, 2:17am
Not many people milk their beef cattle ;)

Some might put down the old house cow when she's past it...

buzzy110, Jan 20, 3:18am
Cows are cows and you said ..."feed the people, not the cows". Cows, cattle, rawhide or whatever nomenclature they are known by,- why shouldn't they be fed while they live?

elliehen, Jan 20, 7:22am
Ping Pong...anyone for tennis?More pong than ping currently ;)

timetable, Jan 20, 7:26am
good heavens i only started what i thought was a helpful thread re ongoing price increases and poss shortages for flour and sugar... how did it get hijacked into something else????? come on people feet on the ground please and back to my orig post and lets keep our thoughts respectful to one another and maybe even to ourselves if not on the topic...

elliehen, Jan 20, 7:59am
timetable, most posters, including me, really appreciate the 'heads up' about the price.

It's just that the mere mention of flour and grains seems to send some people into orbit and it rockets off from there ;)

uli, Jan 20, 8:38am
We all know that prices will go up - even more so when oil is getting more expensive - which it will once all the "cheap" and easy resources are gone - which is about now ...

So there is no way that we can go on into the next 10 years as we did in the last 20 years....

I am sorry if I have "introduced" some more info than you'd like to have known ... but that is how it is going to be...

So why not get rid of the idea of having to have "flour and sugar" - because soon we will no be able to afford it anyway - AND you would be so much healthier if you would not eat that stuff anyway ....

buzzy110, Jan 20, 9:47pm
You included. I merely suggested that there is a better method of storage and gave information on why the prices are rising. You are the one who thought that cows should be left to starve.

Grain and sugar were mentioned but so was butter. If you starve the cows, then there will not be any butter to complain about, including the price.

beaker59, Jan 20, 9:59pm
These commodity items are always going up and down a bit the old USSR and USA even used to dump grain at sea to keep the price up. Reality is there will be a small shortage of supply then when Aussie farmers get going on thier newly watered fields there will be a glut as Aussie will produce huge amounts of wheat and rice over the next 5 yrs it will take to dry out.

buzzy110, Jan 21, 4:48am
Yes. commonsense reigns again. The weather will revert to normal and things will carry on as normal. Russia will stop burning, their grass will grow, Australia will be awash with alluvial, high producing fields ripe for exploitation, and it will be business as usual.

charli08, Jan 21, 9:35am
I can happily advise you all that the price of flour shall not be going up anytime soon, atleast not because of grain prices or shortage. The grain to be milled from the current new seasons harvest has already been contracted and the price is fixed. The only reason for a price hike would be the greed of the retailer.
And as for storage of your flour, well safe to say you can store it for years without a problem, if anything it becomes stronger over time. Do beware of self raising though as the raising agent will lose its powerful properties over time, but your everyday plain and hi-grade will be fine, as mentioned earlier, store in a cool dry place, if you're prone to weevil then by all means do check it every few months just in case.

elliehen, Jan 21, 9:40am
A very happy ending to a dramatic story with prophecy, passion... and people - all in a tizz.

Thanks charlie08 :)

vintagekitty, Jan 21, 9:44am
phew, just when I was going to go out tomorrow and buy 15 new freezers.

elliehen, Jan 21, 9:45am
And some buff bouncers to protect your loot!

vintagekitty, Jan 21, 9:48am
oh god, thanks, will cancel the buff bouncers first thing tomorrow!
by the way have just emailed you something ms ellie

tinkagirl, Jan 21, 9:55am
well I need to lose weight anyway, so will just have to stop baking...

elliehen, Jan 21, 10:02am
Oh no!I'll have nightmares!What have you done???

gemini007, Jan 21, 9:55pm
timetable - thanks for the heads up
buzzy - thanks for the freezer idea - have always wondered how people who buy hugh sacks of flour keep it fresh and weevil free - now I know and I can stock up