Home made mayonaise fail. What went wrong?

stasi21, Nov 13, 12:40am
I just made mayonnaise according to a recipe davidt posted on here. It looked great, but when I tasted it, it had a horrible rancid flavour. So bitter and horrible and had this taste that almost burned in the throat..if that makes sense? I used Extra Virgin Olive Oil that I just purchased from the supermarket this morning. I have a feeling that the taste is due to the oil being off. I tasted a little bit of oil on its own and it has that bitter flavour, but since I have never bought Extra Virgin Olive Oil before, I don't know if it's meant to be more bitter than the regular kind.
Before I go back to the supermarket to get mymoney back for the oil, could someone tell me if it could be anything else that went wrong or if that's what it is.


katalin2, Nov 13, 12:59am
I have had that experience too- however, if you try it tomorrow it should taste ok. Your oil was unlikely to be off- I think when you use stronger oils you just need to wait for a day or so for the flavours to blend.

papariccardo, Nov 13, 1:18am
EVOO is usually fairly sweet, never bitter, and can go 'off'. Ask someone who knows EVOO to try it. It actually tastes very similar to regular OO, just first press, so slightly nuttier, darker & with better health properties. The Pams one is surprisingly good.

Davidt's recipe could also be made with regular olive oi, or even 'light' (taste, not fat) if you are not a huge fan of the taste of EVOO.

davidt4, Nov 13, 1:46am
What brand of olive oil did you use?Mayonnaise will emphasise the flavours of the oil, so it it is rancid that will show through clearly.Olive oil does become stale or even rancid quite quickly, especially if it is in a clear glass bottle or has been stored in the light.

Extra virgin olive oil can have a bit of a bite to it, but shouldn't taste harsh or bitter.

I most often use Village Press - it is local, fresh and very well made.There are various varieties and they are all good.

pickles7, Nov 13, 4:36am
Olive oil is not the best oil for making mayo.
Use sunflower oil, or canola oil, or a mixture of both, is even better.

retired, Jul 31, 11:19pm
I never use olive oil for making mayo.I use rice bran oil.